Long Over Due

Dec 17, 2009 23:33

 Alright, so here is my long over due update - before I head to bed because I have to be up at gawd awful in the morning. 1. Work still sucks ass.  Am still at the same place with the same people.  Nothing ever changes - bitching and drama ftw.  2. I managed to win Nano this year - unfortunately could not afford a t-shirt :( so no 09 winner's shirt for me - but still have to print out my winner goodies. 3. The job hunt is still progressing SLOWLY.  I've been applying everywhere I can.   4.  Roommate -finally- got to take her certification exam earlier this month (just over a week ago) and should be getting her results sometime within the next week (good news for Christmas hopefully) which means she'll be able to start working (which means more income.) 5.  Stupid roommate is still being stupid shit :/ However, he is getting somewhat better.   At the moment he's at the midnight showing for Avatar *lucky bastard* 6.  Additional body in the house - friend moved down from up north - he's looking for work - ready to be back to work and contributing and ultimately on his own (not that we mind him here at all).
7.  Yet again, my budget for Christmas is horribly, horribly fail.  Will be buying for my nephew this year, and that's probably about it.  God I need a new job *faceplant* Or win the lottery - either will work really. Well folks, there you have the last seven weeks in a nutshell.  Simplistic and to the point.  So, on that note, it is time for me to pass out.  Toodles.

update, fail, sleep time, frustration

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