Because I can't help but love these stories I found.... all of them originally recommended on the
stargateficrec community or some related page that I found by following the rabbit trail from a link there. If anyone of you lovely people know of other and/or better LJ communities for fic recs, especially (of sappily course!) S/J or D/V stuff, point me at it!
Duality Christi (
Rating: PG, maybe, at its worst.
Category: Mini!Jack fic. Friendship. Erm.fluff, I guess. Sam/Jack (minor though).
Spoilers: Fragile Balance
Why? Because I'd been thinking about how much easier high school would have been with a 50-year-old's set of coping skills, but also about how much less important it would feel if you knew that the fate of the world was being decided while you sat in math class going over things you already knew. And because the characterization of Jack as the unwillingly cool kid was so very damned funny.
(OMG... while finding the current link, I found out it's a series. "Happy!Squee" doesn't begin to cover it.)
To Touch the Edge of Peace Ayiana
Rating: G
Category: S&J, with minor hints of S/J UST
Spoilers: Cold Lazarus
Why? Because it was touching in a non-sappy way and utterly believable. And it gave me warm squishy feelings. Like all my favorite fics, I could imagine this actually happening in canon.
Way Smarter Than You splash_the_cat
Rating: G
Category: Sam&Jack
Spoilers: Window of Opportunity, Rite of Passage.
Why? Like the author, I've always wanted to see Carter seriously call O'Neill's bluff about being as dumb as he pretends to be, and then not letting him weasel out of it. And because it made me laugh.
Killing Daniel Jackson Karen T
Rating: G
Category: Sam/Jack, Sam/Pete
Spoilers: Everything up through "Affinity."
Why? It's a lovely and a shade bittersweet look at O'Neill's feelings about Carter's engagement to Pete, but without falling into the trap of trying to convince the reader that Pete is a mistake. It shows an O'Neill that wants Carter to be happy, regardless of whatever her happiness requires. Oh, and don't be put off by the title.
Holding the Bags Aurora Novarum
Rating: G
Category: Humor; Sam & Jack friendship; team
Spoilers: None...set Season 1-2 ish.
Why? Teal'c. Shopping trip. Jack rifling through Sam's bag to see what she bought. Hilarity ensues. Also? I didn't predict the ending. I love it when that happens.
The Butterfly Tide Kellifer
Rating: G
Category: Team, Sam/Jack
Spoilers: Moebius, end of Season 8
Why? I was thinking about how the original SG-1 (not the new & nerdified version) would have reacted to the sinking realization that they were trapped in ancient Egypt. This is one version of what Daniel meant when he gave the unhelpfully short summary of how they died.