I went to high school in a town that always smelled like Cocoa Puffs from the GM factory, near a block-long fence that warned against entering the thorium plant, Kerr-McGee. Where friendships were formed at the local taqueria. Where I was known as Trina Chalupa, but the girls on my soccer team called me Chalups or weta. I went to West Chicago High School. And I was a Wildcat.
Last night, when I returned to my high school hometown for a reunion bash, it was like 1995. In my mind, I still drove a boat-size Buick named Ruben. I was still insecure about my flatness. I still looked up to the upperclassmen.
But it was different.
We hugged longer, danced harder, and laughed louder.
My sister, the homecoming AND prom queen, posed for a gazillion photos.
I ran into my eighth grade posse.
Remember this photo from our trip to jouvey?
(Alright, maybe we were going to Washington D.C.)
Later that night, MY HUSBAND FOUND JESUS!
And then he found me.
Here’s one happy Wildcat couple-Sarah and Joel Alfaro--celebrating ten years and two beautiful girls!
Just as we were once united by heavy metal and toxic waste, we came together to sing and dance to our favorite hits from radio stations like the Blaze and Z-95. But this time, when midnight rolled around, we started to look like this.
We knew it was time for our slippers and jammies and chamomile tea.
Thanks for a great night! This one's for you, We-go...
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