do you ever have a "dumb day"?

May 04, 2011 22:06

Today was one of those for me. I have lost count of how many dumb things I managed to do today. They included:

* Leaving various documents inaccessible at work when I wanted them at home, even though I have and use DropBox FOR JUST THIS PURPOSE. All the time. It's not like I'm not in the habit.

* Not figuring out for, oh, more than half the damn day that I hadn't logged into our Production system at work--I'd logged into a test system in the morning to check on something, then never switched over. Made some other stuff I did later in the day really wonky. Also made me look like a bit of a fool. Thankfully I didn't actually do any harm. *facepalm*

I'm sure there were others--I KNOW there were others--but I have a headache and I'm sleepy, so we'll just leave it at that.

Of course, being me, I felt the need to go and explain to my supervisor just exactly what an idiot I'd been today. (I always tell on myself--not that I felt I was going to get in trouble or anything, just...I didn't get a single fucking thing done today that wasn't somehow screwed by my brain being out to lunch without me.) At the end of the day, I felt like I'd been pedaling backwards the whole day. Making no progress, but madly pedaling. Ugh.

I promised her I'll bring my brain with me tomorrow.

[Fortunately, I am normally pretty sharp, so on the rare occasion of a day like today people just laugh at me and let it go. *shrug*]


Related to nothing, but I wanted to mention because I think no one at all has bid on me yet... :(

I put up two offers in the helpthesouth fandom auction:

1) I WILL KNIT YOU SOMETHING! I am a damn good knitter, if I do say so myself. There's plenty of evidence on my flickr (or on Ravelry, if you're a member). Bid here!

2) I WILL WRITE YOU SOMETHING! I, well, I don't know if I can make as strong a statement about my writing without feeling really self-conscious (I wonder why that is? I don't feel weird at all about tell you what an awesome knitter I am, LOL). I've been getting some good feedback lately, anyway! The evidence is here and on my DW/LJ. Bid here!

help the south, where is my mind?

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