my favorite recent find (thanks to Celli): ficfinishing

May 04, 2011 21:36

Last month, I joined ficfinishing as both an Author and a First Reader. I was able to finish the (first draft of) the fic I signed up with AND I had my first experience of being a First Reader for someone. It was awesome! I loved the author support and also being able to read and encourage a writer struggling to finish their fic.

So, I've just signed up again. :)

This month, I want to finish It Runs in the Family, the last (?) in my H50 New Jersey series. I promised I'd write this one, but I've been shying away from it. Maybe this will get it moving beyond the one short scene I've written already. (starting at 335 words)

Since I've now successfully completed a round, I was allowed to sign up for two fics to finish. I need to get my
romcomorama story, Sleepless in Hoboken, finished this month so that I can concentrate on my H50 big bang, so I signed up with that one too. I think I could use some cheerleading on that one, so I'll be looking into using a first reader myself this time. (this one is starting at 1785 words)

On a related note, the ficfinishing comm can use more First Readers! If you like reading stories in progress and giving authors encouragement, please consider signing up. I loved it when I did it last month and will definitely be offering my services again. Go here for more information about what it means to be a First Reader and how to get signed up. (If you decide to do it, join ficfinishing and look for the recent First Reader sign-up post.)

I recommend the comm for both Authors and First Readers!


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