(no subject)

Sep 27, 2008 06:23

Dear John McCain.

I'm a veteran. If you think that veterans "love" you, you are wrong. As a veteran, I don't think you will "take care of" me. I don't think you will "take care of" our military. You said you were proud of your record on veterans affairs.

How about the GI Bill? You opposed it and didn't even bother showing up to vote on it. What were you afraid that if you voted "no" on the GI Bill it would come back and bite you in the ass?

How about funding for the VA? Oh you vote to decrease funding. How's that for "taking care of the veterans"? You actually voted against funding for VA hospitals more times than I can count. You actually voted NO to using corporation tax loop holes to fund VA Hospitals. Not once, but twice. You were also only 1 of 13 Senators to vote no to additional funding to VA hospitals and clinics. If this is how you think this is taking care of veterans, I will say "thanks but no thanks".

What about troop rest between deployments? Oh that's right, you voted against that. I guess our troops don't need to stay home for any amount of time before being redeployed.

What about giving our troops the proper protection they need in a war zone? Oh that's right, you voted to table that so it wouldn't go up for a vote.

Oh yes, and if veterans "knew" you were going to take care of them, why do vets not support you?

Sir, you said you were "proud" of your voting record on veterans issues. As one veteran to another, you really need a reality check. If you think that veterans needs aren't as important as corporate tax loopholes, we don't need your kind of support.

Senator McCain, my son is going to be joining the Army in two years. I want my son's Commander in Chief to actually CARE about him. You said that your voting record would show how you care for veterans. Sir, your voting record SUCKS!!! Using your voting record as a guide, I don't want you to be Commander in Chief over my son. You don't care for him. You don't care for those of us who proudly served during war and peace. You, Senator McCain, just flat out DO NOT CARE!

Oh wait, that was too harsh. You DO CARE -- about CORPORATIONS. Frankly, Sir, you have sold out our veterans to the corporations.

Do us a favor - SHUT UP!

No love or support

a Proud USAF Veteran

**EDIT** I found links for the troop rest and GI Bill vote.


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