Higgs particles, CERN and Torchwood, Oh My!

Sep 10, 2008 21:56

Today, the 10th September 2008, saw the beginning of a much-hyped experiment at CERN using the newly-completed Large Hadron Collider or LHC. Fortunately for us, the doomsayers were proved wrong when the planet failed to implode the moment the machine was switched on.

(Score one for those of us who were smart enough to know that it wouldn't've happened anyway!)

Now. Throughout the day the BBC has broadcast a series of programmes on BBC Radio 4 centred around the LHC and what the CERN scientists plan to accomplish. This programme included a one-off, 45 minute special episode of the popular Doctor Who spinoff, Torchwood. This episode, "Lost Souls", was set some time after the end of the second season of Torchwood and guest-starred Freema Agyeman as Martha Jones.

The episode can be heard here: http://www.bbc.co.uk/radio4/bigbang/torchwood.shtml (EDIT: apparently it IS downloadable outside the UK. WOO!)

EDIT #2: Considering it broadcast less than twelve hours ago, there are icons from Lost Souls on LJ already. bassair's LJ has good ones.

The episode involved Martha calling Jack, Gwen and Ianto to Switzerland to investigate strange goings on at CERN in the build-up to the switching-on of the LHC. Hence, much scientific explanation. Also, because Martha wasn't exactly meant to invite Torchwood to CERN, she smuggles them in as Ianto Jones, the Welsh Ambassador, his wife Gwen and his assistant Jack.

(Jack wasn't happy about that, you know. It was rather hilarious to listen to.)

So things happen, Martha explains the problem and they set about investigating in their own, unique way. Jack gets to explain the existence of Torchwood to some Swiss CERN people, and they discover that an alien lifeform used the seconds-long test of the equipment to slip through into this world.

The worst thing about this alien lifeform is that it takes memories of your lost loved ones from your mind and mimics them in order to manipulate you. So when Gwen and Ianto are in the LHC tunnels, Ianto hears the voices of Owen, Tosh and Lisa calling to him for help. Gwen (who really earned my respect back in this special) is able to resist and gets him to safety.

There's also a touching moment between Jack and Martha where she tries to talk to him about the recent loss of Owen and Tosh. He brushes it off, saying that they're coping, but Martha knows how he really feels. (You know, Martha Jones is just amazing. Especially when she's in Torchwood episodes.)

The absolute, and I do mean ABSOLUTE, best part of this special was a scene where Jack and some CERN scientist-types are trying to find a way to kill the invading alien lifeform.

In short, Jack Harkness used the phrase "reverse the polarity". I cheered. I really, really did.

So... Torchwood awesomeness, check. Science-y stuff that actually is mostly real, not pseudoscience, check. Martha being fantastic as usual, check.

One damn good special, if you ask me.

classic doctor who reference, jack, real world: c.e.r.n, large hadron collider, fandom: torchwood

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