OK, so first we have WIL WHEATON. Do I need to explain the awesome? I don't think I do. Anyway, so he's playing Marcus Stark, famous grifter, really good forger, blah blah. The important thing is that he used to work with Sophie.
Second, we have The Other Team, who are basically OppositeLand versions of our team...
their thief (Apollo, of all names) is a guy, their hitter (I... didn't catch her name, sounded like Michelle) is a girl, and their hacker ("Chaos") is white, and a complete twat.
I should also point out that I kinda ship Eliot and Parker with their opposite numbers, really quite a lot. Especially Eliot and possiblyMichelle. I do not, however, ship Hardison and Chaos. Mostly because "Chaos" is an asshole.
The con itself was... almost background, tbh, to all the fun inter-team dynamics (and could they have pushed the Marcus-Nate similarity any further? I doubt it somehow...). Still, we finally got to see Parker crossing a roomful of lasers via awesome gymnastics, and I've been waiting for that to happen for a while. It did not disappoint.
And, of course, there's Sophie. Really... my heart was just BREAKING for Sophie at the end.
Right before NATE AND SOPHIE ALMOST KISSED OMG. At which point I switched to pretendglaring at the writers for teasing me like that.
Still, they can't draw this out much longer, can they? *crosses fingers*
Also, I just checked the Leverage page on Wikipedia... just the EPISODE TITLES for the rest of the season are making me grin like a crazy person. (The last one is "The Maltese Falcon Job", and suddenly I'm wondering what Nate's Bogart impression is like...)