This will be spoilerific. That's what the cut is for.
Well, the episode started, in true True Blood style, with the unusual occurrence of two vampires arguing over the ethics of... making more vampires.
From then on, I really did spend the episode thinking about how totally awesome various characters are.
Oh, Bill. Who'd've thought teaching one teenage newly-turned vamp about vamp-kind could be so tough? Seriously, man, you're a terrible teacher. Eric has more idea of how to control Newly-turned Teenage Vamp Girl, and by my count he's a good thousand years older than you.
Also, do not use the "with great power comes great responsibility" speech again. Or I shall be forced to re-name you Peter Parker. Also, you are a frakking vampire. It's not really appropriate.
Also (again), I'm a bit upset with you for attacking Sam like that. Srsly, man, not cool.
The more I see of Sam Merlotte, the more I like him. Especially when he's hangin' out protecting Sookie and helpin' her understand her vision of that random girl gettin' killed.
Also... this line of Sookie's: "You're not the boss of me...[pauses]... oh wait, y'are." For some reason I really liked that line. Heh.
Day-um he scrubs up nice. Also, he was kinda BAMF-y, with that senator dude.
This guy needs more screen-time. He is great. Even with the PTSD from serving in the Gulf War.
Oh, dear. Jason, Jason, Jason.... you're just a bit dumb, aren't ya? And... you're not the best judge of character, either. I do feel sorry for you, though, 'cause your life kinda sucks right now.
Not much Eric this week. But I don't mind, because what we did get was awesome enough to make up for it.
I think I've now reached the point where Eric is my second favourite vampire. He would be first, but that slot is Lestat's.
Now that's done...
a) "Maryanne Forrester" or w/e her name is? WTH? (Having some familiarity with the books this series is based on... it would not surprise me if this chick's real name turned out to be Claudine. AT ALL.)
b) DUDE, Andy Bellefleur needs to be pushed in a lake. Just... ah, he's causin' me all this stress.
I shall take a moment to remember that... psycho... Amy Burley. Okay, so she was nuts (and the kind of "nuts" that makes you want to back away slowly and hide the sharp objects nearby, y'know?), but Jason liked her (mostly).
Also, Lizzy Caplan did a great job with the role, so kudos to her.