Heroes 3x09 "It's Coming"

Nov 18, 2008 21:37

It? It is coming? What is "It"?

"It" doesn't refer to Pennywise the Clown, does it? Wait, no... wrong fandom...

Anyway. New Heroes ep... so, you know, the episode-specific stuff will be a) highly spoilerific and b) behind the cut.

Okay, so after the initial "HUH?" of the opening sequence, I'd just like to reaffirm something from last week.

Arthur Petrelli, you are a son of a bitch.

Really. Y'are.


(and, y'know, quit bein' mean to Daphne and making her do stuff she doesn't want to.)

The opening sequence, btw, was Mohinder talking about eclipses. Also, apparently there are THREE parts to the Formula of Doom. Part One, Part Two and a catalyst, which is apparently to be found within a particular human's blood. More on that later.

So, this week's first "You WHAT?" moment is a Sylar moment. See, apparently, Sylar's Hunger isn't a desire to kill, it's a desire for powers. According to that SOB Arthur, anyway. Basically, Sylar's an empath. Like Peter is/was. Arthur's way of, um, teaching his son how to access his empathy was to lock him in a room with Elle and let her fry him with electricity. Many, many times.

Actually, though, this led to what may be one of the best scenes in Heroes to date, not just S3 - Sylar and Elle, both frakked up beyond belief, finding forgiveness and something that almost amounts to a normal relationship. So, much kudos to Kristen Bell and Zach Quinto. Also, that Sylar/Elle ship that's been hanging around since last week is suddenly seeming a lot more... canonical. Heh.

(Oh, and.... oh, dammit, ZQ looks good sans shirt.)

Moving on....

Nathan'n'Tracy went to Pinehearst. Nathan managed to avoid touching his not-actually-dead father, which considering what happened to Peter is a good thing, I'd say. Arthur tried to talk Nathan around to his way of thinking, Nathan refused. (At this point, I was practically cheering)

Afterwards, Nathan headed off for Odessa, and Tracy... went back to see Arthur again. And basically offered to help him with a) Pinehearst's PR (I know, WHAT PR?) and b) getting Nathan to come around to his way of thinking. I dunno what she's planning... her own survival, most likely... but that was kind of unexpected.

Peter and Claire, meanwhile, are having lots of fun (or... not) running away from things and hiding. I just have a few things to say here.
a) Oh good, BAMF!Claire is back. WOO.
b) Oh, Peter. "I need you to stay innocent". *sigh* You're getting to be almost as bad as HRG, dude.
c) Why, hello there, Peter's Hero Complex. Long time no see.

Basically, this week, Knox and Flint show up looking for Peter and Claire. or, more specifically, Claire. But we'll get to that... muahahaha...

Onwards to Odessa...

Matt'n'Daphne have gone to Primatech looking for help. Except there's no-one AT Primatech, which is somewhat unhelpful. But then Matt sees a very brief vision of Usutu, which leads him to a room where Angela Petrelli is being kept. So Matt tries to mind-read her, and gets one big headache in return.

So he sits down and says to Daphne that he needs to try and help her. (While he's doing that, Daphne speeds off to Arthur, tells him where Matt is and what he's doing, and speeds back.)

It's a little complicated, but basically we end up with Matt, Angela, Arthur and Daphne ALL in Angela's head, with Arthur trying to tell Matt not to trust Daphne and Daphne telling Matt she's made mistakes but she loves him, and stuff like that. It ends with the (welcome) return of BAMF!Angela, and also UnParalysed!Angela, so all is well. Ish.

Right after Angela wakes up, Peter and Claire show up (ya, I was surprised too), with Nathan, and it's all nice and family-reunion-y, and then the matter of the Formula of Doom and Arthur's plans is raised... Angela tells them about the catalyst, and Claire (who gets more awesome by the second, apparently) puts that together with something Sylar told her after he poked around in her head... about her being "special" and "different to the others". So, Claire and Peter, Nathan, Matt, Daphne and Angela now think that Claire's the catalyst.

(That would be why Flint'n'Knox were sent to capture her, see?)

The ep ends 'round about here, and the final image is one of a quite distinct dichotomy. On one side, Arthur, accompanied by Elle, Sylar, Tracy, Flint and Knox.

On the other, Angela, with Nathan, Peter, Claire, Matt and Daphne.

So... whatever happens next, is going to be very interesting indeed.

There was another thread to this ep, with Hiro and Ando.... but aside from Hiro apparently thinking that he's ten years old again, and Ando trying to teach him how to use his powers... well, I dunno how it fits in.

Though... at one point they were in a random comic book store in Tokyo. In the present day. And there was a 9th Wonders comic on the rack... a new one. That made me curious, because 9th Wonders was Isaac's comic book, and he's dead... so who's making new ones?

Also, Mohinder's experiments with the Formula of Doom appear to have produced a Klingon. Seeing as pretty much anything Mohinder does these days makes me want to *headdesk* myself into oblivion, I try not to think about him too much...

petrelli family dysfunctionality, sylar, elle bishop

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