So, first, I have to go *FLAIL* because ALONA TAL because a) awesome, beautiful and b) I might have that little Eliot/Jo Harvelle ship which, btw, feels so much more canonical now (thanks, Actor Rule!).
Now that that's out of the way...
1. what the... what... Parker... outfit... duck... um, WHAT THE FRAK is what I'm trying to say here....
2. ...I feel a bit better about autotuning now. Not that Eliot needs it, of course.
3. *snerk* Eliot's got fangirls. Erm. In-show ones, that is.
(also, the sick twisted part of me kinda wants to know who exactly he pissed off enough to get a fatwa pronounced against him. Because those are serious business, dude.)
and, er, yeah. He can handle virtually everything else, but crazed teenage girls? Not a chance. I like it.
And obviously, SINGING. CHRISTIAN KANE. SINGING. ON TV. There is a reason that a certain episode of Angel featuring a certain lawyer's evil hand is one of my favourite episodes of said show. Ahem...
4. How exactly did Nate avoid being beaten to a pulp by those goons?
5. Sophie enjoyed that slap, I think...
6. Hardison. Brilliant. Fabulous. Fantastic. Wonderful. (very sexy)
7. Hey... so, last week, there were definite Hardison/Client (I forgot her name) vibes. This week, we have *canon* Eliot/Alona Tal, and Parker's got that FBI agent they keep running into...
I'm sensing a trend.
8. WAIT, PARKER WAS CATBURGLING WHEN SHE WAS NINE? NINE? Dude... That is both sad and weirdly cool. Nvm.
Next: True Blood!