See what I get for trying to be helpful?

Feb 02, 2009 19:35

Prepare for a tale of woe.

So yesterday, leaning over to get the ethernet cable off the floor, I managed to bash my head into the corner of the windowsill. Pretty hard, actually. It bled a little, and hurt enough to make me dizzy and slightly nauseated. Shortly afterward, I fell asleep for about an hour and a half. When I woke up I felt a little better, though, and ate some dinner, and thought I was doing pretty good.

When I tried to go to sleep last night, though, I was hit with the worst case of insomnia I've ever had. Coupled with lingering dizziness and the headache I've had for the last three days, it was a pretty miserable night. I ended up on the phone with thuri for an hour or so, between three and four-ish. By then I decided the best course of action would be to just go to work early, because at least then I'd get some work done, which was better than calling in sick altogether, right?

Wrong, apparently.

When my boss got in at seven, she absolutely flipped. She told me I couldn't just do that--just show up whenever I pleased and expect to be let off early because of it. Stunned, I tried to explain that I hadn't gotten here early so that I could leave early, I got there early because I was only planning to be there a little while, period, and it had come down to either that, or calling in sick.

But she wasn't having it. She launched into a tirade about how I was "always doing this"--showing up early, and leaving early--and how we were going to have to have rules, because this was still and office.

Back up: my hours are 8:30 to 4:30. I think the earliest I've ever gotten there was 8:14. And I left at 4:20. And she's never said a word about it being problematic. I pointed this out to her, and she said that fifteen minutes isn't a big deal, but I can't just show up three hours early and expect that to be okay. I pointed out I'd never done that before, and if I'd known it was that big a deal I wouldn't have done it at all. She said I had to clear these things with her first. I said I hadn't planned to be up all night--nor had I thought she would appreciate a phone call at four thirty! I thought I'd be doing something nice, by getting in and getting some work done before I called in sick.

She then went on to say the problem was I needed to stay late, because I was the late shift (she and the other office girl are 7-3 shifts). That she needed someone in the office those hours. I said since I was off two days a week and the office closed early those days anyway, I didn't think it was that big a deal. She said it closed that way because it had to, because I wasn't working those days. She said if I'd set my hours 7-3 when I started at the job a year and a half ago, Amanda would've had to set later hours. --problem with that, though, is Amanda only started last May! So for a year--a year--we would've been closing the office at 3, if I'd decided I wanted to show up at work at seven every morning. The fact that I didn't was sheer coincidence, not policy.

I asked her what I should do, to fix it today. She got huffy and said she didn't care. I asked if she wanted me to clock out for a few hours then come back and work from 3 until 4:30. She said no. I said I felt like I'd done something wrong, inadvertently but with good intentions, but that I'd like to fix it now that I understood. And she didn't say anything.

So I spent the next three hours at my desk trying desperately not to cry, and mostly failing.

So long story short? I tried to be helpful, display a good work ethic, and not leave my co-workers in the lurch, and ended up getting my ass chewed out.

Guess that's what I get for being helpful, huh? Guess next time I'll just call in sick.


Thanks for listening, LJ.


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