Eyes of newt

Mar 19, 2012 20:19

It rained for a week. Consequently, this was under the garbage can today:

It was hard to get a good picture because it walks around all the time. Initially I figured that, after the inevitable fantasy of keeping it was dispelled by the revelation that it needs to eat regularly, I'd release it into the San Lorenzo River for joggers/meth-addicts about a block away, but the internet complicated things. A quick image search suggested that this could be a Santa Cruz Long-Toed Salamander, which would be bad because that would make it ridiculously endangered and I wouldn't know what the hell to do with it. (I tried asking my crazy PETA sister about it, but she's being a persnickety bitch because I refused to help her beat herself in the face with a hammer. LONG STORY.) However, after searching every salamander ever I'm now reasonably certain this is aneides lugubris, or the "common garbage newt" as it is better known to no one except me. This is obviously the best picture. I think I'll release it into nearby Neary sewage treatment plant Lagoon, since it doesn't drain into the sea or serve as a meth enterprise as far as I know. After photographing and prodding it in the maw with my bare fingers some more, of course.

creatures, photographic evidence, the other self

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