
Oct 03, 2008 04:47

FINALLY it's October. I've been having dreams that it was October since July, only to wake up and realize that it's not fooking October. DAMN YOU BRAIN. No more of this ninety-three degree September bullshit. Terrible darkness and cold. That's how we likes it.

And yet, I never actually have anything to do in October, other than bask in the world's aesthetic shift and prepare for a single evening I spend lying in wait to scar the memories of the 5 or so children that make it to my outlying hovel. I'd kind of like to do something fun on the 'ween, but as South Park sagely observes (adjusting for Los Angeles), "don't you know the first law of physics? Anything fun costs at least eight sixty dollars." My net worth is low, and shrinks consistently on an annual basis as October tempts me with its retarded wares.


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