Jun 17, 2005 00:15
Twins - 莫斯科沒有眼淚
Twins - mo4 si1 ke1 mei2 you3 yan3 lei4
Twins - Moscow Has No Tears
冬天的離別 在莫斯科的深夜
dong1 tian1 de5 li2 bie2 zai4 mo4 si1 ke1 de5 shen1 ye4
Winter's farewell takes place in Moscow's deep night
一列列軍隊 在街上森嚴戒備
yi2 lie4 lie4 jun1 dui4 zai4 jie1 shang4 sen1 yan2 jie4 bei4
The rows of soldiers stand on the street stern, on guard
這裏沒人察覺 誰又愛上了誰
zhe4 lie3 mei2 ren2 cha2 jue2 shei1 you4 ai4 shang4 le5 shei2
Here no one sees who loves whom
因為苦難 不許人崩潰
yin1 wei4 ku3 nan4 bu4 xu3 ren2 beng1 kui4
Because of hardship people are not allowed to collapse
gan3 qing2 shang4 ruo4 xi2 guan4 fang2 bei4
If people prepare against affection
ji2 mo4 jiu4 duo1 yi1 dao4 qiang2 wei2
Then loneliness has one more wall around it
愛情隱隱約約 提醒我這一回
ai4 qing2 yin3 yin3 yue1 yue1 ti2 xing3 wo3 zhe4 yi4 hui2
Love is indistinct reminding me again
zai4 bu4 yong3 bao4 jiu4 shi4 zui4
No more embraces is a crime
莫斯科沒有眼淚 大雪紛飛
mo4 si1 ke1 mei2 you3 yan3 lei4 da4 yun2 fen1 fei1
Moscow has no tears the snow flies
ni3 leng3 de5 hao3 qiao2 cui4
You're cold, haggard
單身的我 原本以為 可以一輩子不跟誰
dan1 shen1 de5 wo3 yuan2 ben3 yi3 wei2 ke3 yi3 yi1 bei4 zi5 bu4 gen1 shei2
Lonely me I originally thought I could live an entire lifetime without anybody
莫斯科沒有眼淚 我卻流淚
mo4 si1 ke1 mei2 you3 yan3 lei4 wo3 que4 liu2 lei4
Moscow has no tears but I'm crying
bu2 zhu4 ku1 de5 zan4 mei3
Crying praise, can't hold it back
讓我付出不怕心碎 是你最好的美
rang4 wo3 fu4 chu1 bu2 pa4 xin1 sui4 shi4 ni3 zui4 hao3 de5 mei3
Let me not be afraid of my heart breaking it's your greatest beauty
愛在最古老的國界 再不求能全身而退
ai4 zai4 zui4 gu3 lao3 de5 guo2 jie4 zai4 bu4 qiu2 neng2 quan2 shen1 er2 tui4
Love is in the oldest world never again asking for a whole person to retreat