May 26, 2005 22:19
F.I.R - 光芒
F.I.R - guang1 mang2
F.I.R - Radiance
zai4 jiu3 han4 wei4 yu3 de5 di4 fang1
In a place of long drought, without rain
被謊言圍繞著的村莊 淚水被蒸發
bei4 huang3 yan2 wei2 rao4 zhe5 de5 cun1 zhuang1 lei4 shui3 bei4 zheng1 fa1
A village shrouded in lies tears evaporate
經歷一個世紀的迷惘 希望被風化
jing1 li4 yi4 ge5 shi4 ji4 de5 mi2 wang3 xi1 wang4 bei4 feng1 hua4
After a century of enchanted desolation wishes are dissolved in the wind
meng4 xiang3 nan2 dao4 dou1 shi4 she1 wang4
Could it be that dreams are all impossibly wild hopes
★I just want
I just want
I just want
找一個方向 找一種力量 讓等待的大雨會落下
zhao3 yi4 ge5 fang1 xiang4 zhao3 yi4 zhong3 li4 liang4 rang4 deng3 dai4 de5 da4 yu3 hui4 luo4 xia4
To find a direction to find a type of strength to let the waiting rains pour down
展開了翅膀 將悲傷都釋放 掙開那綑綁
zhan3 kai1 le5 chi4 bang3 jiang1 bei1 shang1 dou1 shi4 fang4 zheng4 kai1 le5 kun3 bang3
To unfold my wings to release my sorrow to break out of these bonds
有一個方向 有一種力量 就朝著夢裡風景出發
To have a direction to have a type of strength to start towards the landscape of my dreams
you3 yi4 ge5 fang1 xiang4 you3 yi4 zhong3 li4 liang4 jiu4 chao2 zhe5 meng4 xiang3 li3 feng1 jing3 chu1 fa1
在大雨之後 的第一道彩虹 耀眼的光芒
zai4 da4 yu3 zhi1 hou4 de5 di4 yi1 dao4 cai3 hong2 yao4 yan3 de5 guang1 mang2
After the heavy rains the first rainbow produces a blinding radiance
ci4 chuan1 yi3 ku1 wei3 de5 huan4 xiang3
Pierce through the withered delusions
用生命吶喊巨大聲響 充滿了希望
yong4 sheng1 ming4 na4 han3 ju4 da4 sheng1 xiang3 chong1 man3 le5 xi1 wang4
Cheer loudly with hope
縱然冷漠是一道灰牆 誰又該沮喪
zong4 ran2 leng3 mo4 shi4 yi1 dao4 hui1 qiang2 shei2 you4 gai1 ju3 sang4
Even if indifference is an imposing gray barrier who needs to be sad
yin1 wei4 ni3 er2 gan3 dong4 er2 jian1 qiang2
Because of you I am moved and strengthened