Sep 23, 2009 08:57
Raven had had a rough afternoon after being surprised by amorous half-naked Max and Aphrodite at work and then telling Aphrodite what had happened in the Other Fandom to cause her to react as she did. She had tried to meditate when she'd returned to the dorms after work, but it proved difficult to center herself, so she'd finally given up and gone to bed.
And then she'd awoken to panicked feelings all around her. There were so many she couldn't tell who or where they were coming from, so she started to get out of bed so she could get dressed and investigate and see if she could help. Only her body felt heavy and strange, and those were so not her legs. Or arms. Or chest...or lack thereof. Now she began to join the chorus of panic and confusion, but she quickly calmed herself by remembering how this had happened to the boys at the school, it had only lasted a day, and Fandom had a strange sense of humor. She did, however, quickly reassure herself that her Chakra was still on her forehead, because if that was gone, things could be bad.
Once she had managed to compose herself -- only a day only a day only a day -- and accept what was going on, two things occurred to her. One, being a boy really didn't help her understand them any better. The body was different, of course, especially...that, but her thoughts were still her own and gave her no sudden insight, and she found that oddly disappointing.
The second was she didn't have any clothes that were going to fit this body.
[Establishy but open for roomie or anyone else who might drop by to check on Raven.]
where: room 509,
who: joan,
who: francine,
what: wtf i have boy parts