The Estate, Sidra, Glacia, Wednesday Morning (Fandom Time)

Mar 18, 2015 12:49

Raven sat cross-legged in the center of her bed, idly stroking Philia as she went through a collection of her belongings, jewelry and photos and other assorted trinkets she'd piled before her. Some of the items felt so familiar, but not enough to pierce through to her conscious mind. She sighed in frustration, and Philia nosed her hand with a wuff of concern.

It was so vexing, not being able to remember anything. Her mind had been through a great trauma and needed time to heal, and that healing was best done naturally rather than hastened along with her own abilities or that of any other. She certainly felt an instinctive trust of Queen Karla, and she definitely hadn't sensed any ill-intent from her or Jaenelle, just concern -- and relief?

In the meantime, though...redecorating. The staff had given her strange looks when she'd asked for the curtains and bed coverings in her chambers to be replaced, but then seemed extremely eager enough to help out and get rid of all the dark and gloomy black lace and velvets. Honestly, she didn't now how someone could live in a room like that.

[Open for any in Glacia or phone calls/texts with a confused empath. ;) ]

where: glacia

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