leave me alone with my cigarette! I huddled outside when the clouds were heavy in pain of bearing so much dihydrogen oxide and had to spit out in big huge spits on my face and my little dragon plant next to me. I wanted a cigarette! I hugged myself with one arm as I puffed and huffed with spit on my face and my little dragon plant bearing the spit balls in much tolerance as I. I exhaled into the cold air, with buckling knees and my dragon plants leaves vibrated from the gushing and twirling wind exhumed by the painful and heavy, gruesome clouds. I was halfway done. I wanted to be left alone with my half-done cigarette but they kept spitting and spitting at me, making me colder and colder and my buckling knees shifted in wider and wider degrees in a faster and faster pace. I was three quarters done. It hurt to breathe in the cold air of the night with lungs full of mellow smoke and left my throat coarse and dry, and my dragon plants soil was most and overwhelmed with spit to hydrate its roots for proper growth. I was oblivious to the violent shivering of my knees and lost feeling in my toes that my brain told my fingertips to drop the cigarette and stomp on it. I grabbed my dragon plant and left the world of spit, then entered into my house of sensual heat and home cooking, with my dragon plant