☆ nobody ever said that life was fair now. [THREADS/LOGS/HISTORY]

Jan 19, 2009 05:04

 A catalog of Trucy's in-game logs and interactions.

Trucy's NV posts to the network can be found here.
Trucy's responses to others' network posts can be found here...mooostly.

Or, better yet, here's a handy lil' list right here! I'll try to keep it updated. It includes responses to main community posts, private calls, and logs.

FEBRUARY 2011 --
• Monday, 2/21: 
      Joshua: A friendship born in audacity!
      Miles: (CALL): It started out cheerily enough...
• Tuesday, 2/22:
      King Mickey: Further proof that Trucy had NO CHILDHOOD.
      Kadaj: In hindsight, talking to him might not have been the best idea...
      Phoenix (CALL): Mini-reunions trump EVERYTHING, no objections.
• Wednesday, 2/23:
      Rocky: And Trucy continues to be unfazed by the talking animals.

!logs, !ooc

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