Title: Lights Out and Shoot Up The Station 11 of ? Pairing or Characters: Ruby, Darryl, KC and a lot of OC's Word Count: 3310 Rating: PG-13, Disclaimer: Thanks for reading. ( Read more... )
Title: Lights Out and Shoot Up The Station 9 of ? Pairing or Characters: Patsy, Siva and OC Word Count: 1973 Rating: PG-13, with a particular bit of grim detail. Disclaimer: Set just before the Technos invasion of the City, and with a little time jump when the Mallrats have just sailed away from said City. This is some background info on where
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Title: Lights Out and Shoot Up The Station 8 of ? Pairing or Characters: Java, Siva, Ram, Ved and a surprise Mallrat Word Count: 1603 Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: Flashback Ahoy
Title: Lights Out and Shoot Up The Station7 of ? Pairing or Characters: Jack, Tai-san, Trudy, May, Lottie and Darryl Word Count: 1836 Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer:Warning I have inserted an Alan Partridge reference. And I've cast the Techno Tom Raferty as Rafe Spall in my head...fit...and geeky ; D
Title: Lights Out and Shoot Up The Station 5 of ? Pairing or Characters: Slight Ebony/Slade, Slight Ram/Ruby Word Count: 1,681 Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine, all feedback is welcome. ( Read more... )
Title: Lights Out and Shoot Up The Station 4 of ? Pairing or Characters: Lex/Tai-san, Amber/Jay, with added Brady Word Count: 1,384 Rating: PG-13 Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine. A few comments might be nice, I won't stop writing without them lol...
Title: Lights Out and Shoot Up The Station 3 of ? Pairing or Characters: Ram/Ruby, Salene/May, Jack/Ellie Word Count: 1,475 Rating: PG-13, warnings of problem plumbing, and awkward social gatherings. Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine. A few comments might be nice, I won't stop writing without them lol...
Title: Lights Out and Shoot Up The Station 2 of ? Pairing or Characters: Ram/Java, Ram/Siva, Ram/OC, Ved/OC, Jay, Mega, Paul Word Count: 1,675 Rating: PG-13, with strong hints of murder. Disclaimer: These characters aren't mine.