Apr 04, 2003 12:42
We are actually getting a tax return this year, for the first time since we have been married. We had just been hoping we wouldn't owe too much, and now...I nearly cried at the accountant's office, I was so relieved. It was a crappy day that day (Gretchen was sick, lost my class notebook, money woes to boot), so to have that happen was a huge weight lifted.
So what are we doing? Taking a trip to the Bahamas? Buying a slick new flat screen television? Oh no. Something I am even more excited about.
We are buying a stove.
What happened to my youth, that I am so elated over getting a new stove? We wanted one since we moved in. It will be so great to have a new stove. And I can't wait to not have drip catchers any more. Yay! Flat top stove!!
Do I want to go to Vegas on this money? Hell yeah. Do I want to have some emergency money put aside more? Hell yeah...*dejected look*