Aug 29, 2005 21:14
OHHHHHH MANNNNN.... schooooool... gahhhh.. havent been to school in nigh on 7 years. Hard to get back in the swing of things, but hey, my class I had today wasn't that bad. The homework about killed me though. 7 Full pages of all sorts of math I don't remember. I like that though. It motivated me to look it up and figure it out for myself instead of copying shit off the board. Hooray Dr Neubauer. Yeha.. my math teacher has like a masters, a doctorate, and some phd thingee. He worked at NASA.. Whole nine yards. WTF is he doing in this town?
I am addicted to Sims 2. Love that game. If your comp can handle it, get it. Seriously.
Anyhoo.. i'm fucking beat... long day.. no sleep.. very hot... heavy back pack.