All Day Ramblings

Sep 25, 2011 22:52

I think October is the absolute best month for writing.

Not, you know, that it's October yet, strictly speaking. But the weather has started to shift into that perfectly October-y weather that makes early mornings actually worth seeing, and thunderstorms that make you want to go run around in them all night.

It's that it's moody weather. I mean, I suppose if you're writing chick lit, you probably want a beach and a sangria. But I've never written chick lit (don't think I could, honestly), I write fantasy. And for fantasy, one needs weather that has no inhibitions. Weather that isn't afraid to throw a tantrum to get what it wants, or even just 'cause it feels like throwing things about--because it can. That, in a nutshell, is October.
Well, at least, that's October in Michigan.

Coffee, candles, and thunderstorms. My favorite writing weather.


I am so tired right now, it's not even funny. I'm in the process of reconstructing my sleep schedule to be more efficient (and, there, I sound like Seven of Nine...obviously, I've been watching too much Star Trek, lately), but right now I'm really feeling rough. The idea of it is a half-hour nap, every six hours. Well, after my last one (at six am, this morning) I woke up having not really quite gotten to sleep yet, and I had the most peculiar sense of movement beneath my skin. Like, I could feel my molecules all heaving, like they were trying to escape. For a moment, I just lay there, trying to figure out why I felt so odd, before I realized what it was. And, even then, I still don't really know what that feeling actually is. Have you ever been so tired that your face goes numb? I'm almost at that point now. Like, my cheekbones are starting to tingle.

It's like a transformation into another state of being, or something. Like, if that were going to happen, this is what the beginning of it would feel like. A slight tremor in the hands; a tingling sensation where bone naturally presses closer to skin, like cheekbones, shoulders, knees, feet; an unseen sense of movement beneath one's skin; the sensation that if you really wanted to, you could be in all the corners of the universe at once, without ever leaving the comfort of your own blankets.

Maybe these are just the ramblings of a sleep-deprived, solitude-numbed mind. We'll see.


Ugh. So, I fell asleep around eleven. >__> Didn't mean to, but that's what happens. Also, I'm sick, which doesn't help anything. Terrible cold came up outta nowhere and hit me over the head. So, now I'm drinking a thermos full of Yogi tea (Breathe Deep), and hoping it helps, because right now the cold is from my chest on up into my ears. Yick.

I forgot all about food! D: I'm all of a sudden starving, and I have no idea what to eat. Probably ramen. Warm and soupy, that's anti-head cold, right?

I really don't wanna go to class tomorrow. I really don't. I have Ancient Civilization, Chinese, and in the afternoon I have Japanese Literature. I don't think I have any homework due for any of them... Ancient Civ, I had a quiz in on Friday, so I should be good, there. Chinese, ditto. Oh, ugh. Japanese, I have a reading assignment to do. We're reading the Heike right now, but I think that's probably something I can do in the several hours between my morning classes and that class. That's how I usually end up doing it, anyway.

...wonder if anything's on TV right now. I'm thinking ramen and a movie sounds great. ^..^ Also, maybe some writing, if I can think of where else to take the story. --_-- Damn writer's block. Nothing is more terrifying than a steadily blinking cursor. Seriously.
*sigh* I really don't like Yogi Tea's "Breathe Deep." Something about it makes me feel mildly sick to my stomach...but there's no denying that it works. Course, my nose is still stuffed to high hell, but what can you do? :/

I think I need more tea. :/ My green tea is almost all gone, but it's sooo soothing: green and white tea, lemon, honey, and ginseng. Such a nice combination. ^..^ Yep. Definitely gonna go make some of that.
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