Sep 24, 2011 21:16

I am going mad waiting for NaNoWriMo to get here. I really am.

And, that's absolutely ridiculous, because I'm actually still in the middle of a book right now, and it is its sequel that I'll be writing for NaNo, and so I really can't start work on the second story before the first is finished... It's just, I have such a long way to go, still, in terms of plot, before I'm finished with the first. Still some two and a half years worth of timeline to cover, before it's time for the second. And I want at least a week of no writing between the two, just to give me a chance to read over the first, and take a break from it, you know?

But, I think it's the anticipation that's killing me, now.

Last year, I had, oh, about a month to plan. I have just about a month left, now, to start, but while now is when I would usually begin planning my story out, figuring out plot and timeline and characters, etc., I already have those things done. Admittedly, it's an ever-evolving timeline, and I keep making changes to it, but the majority of my work seems to be done already. It's probably a good thing that so far my story has explored only a very limited geographical area, and the second installment is going to explore a much wider area. I feel like I'm going to need the creative experience that world-building provides, if only to distract me and allow for procrastination in November.

That said, I honestly don't even know where to begin. I've had my story remain sedentary for so long, that the idea of taking my characters out into the wider world...is daunting. What if they get hurt? What if they fall in with the wrong sort of people? What if they can't find a job, and starve to death?

With the end of Part One, and the beginning of Part Two, I also have to deal with the fact that my characters are growing up, and thus there are new issues to be concerned with. There will inevitably need to be some outward evidence of attraction, unless I mean for a character to be asexual. Which, honestly, I haven't decided yet, what way my protagonist is going to go. I have this idea that he's a bit oblivious, hasn't really thought about it himself, yet, but he's bound to at some point, and what do I do when he does!? For example, there's a moment quickly approaching, between him and another young man, and I could choose to write it in such a way that readers get the sense of attraction, even if my protagonist doesn't, or I could write it as "just friends" for both reader and character, or I could write it where he's aware of the attraction. And, see, so much of what must come depends on this moment, that I find myself wary of writing it!

I am this close to just putting a few options in a hat and drawing at random.

Ugh. I've been checking the NaNo site obsessively for several weeks, now. And, of course, the roll-over doesn't happen till October, and I know that, but I can't help it. lol.

As soon as October rolls around, actually, I'm planning on going into the forums and posting to see how many participants are at my university. I happen to know for a fact that the cafe on campus makes lattes till one in the morning, so that sounds like a really good opportunity to make new friends... ^..~

nanowrimo national novel writing month

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