Dec 08, 2003 03:32
This time of year makes me think about why we do what we do to each other.
I watch in fascination as people put values on the amount of love others have for them, by how much was spent on them.
They put a price on their loved ones heads.
Sadly, this is especially obvious in my generation.
If you don't believe me, skim randomly though any journal site on the net and count the times you read people, age 25 and under, write about spending/wanting/needing more "MONEY". Pick 20 entries from the first 10 journals
Then go to 10 more and see how many times they use the words "Peace" or "Love"
That should explain why the world is a piece of SHIT at the moment. No. NOT the WORLD.The PEOPLE in it!
I have HAD money and been so fucken sad and lonely i could have died. One million bucks does make it easier for a minute but the emptiness still comes once the bills are paid and there is nothing to strive for anymore. You have no goals when you have money,or rather,your goals are different.
Ironicly, you have the very goals that would bring you wealth had you had those goals in the FIRST place! These are the goals to find peace and love and how to fill the emptyness in your life.
You see its only when you HAVE money you find you never know the true reasons for people wanting you around. Its only when you no longer HAVE money that you find who REALLY wants you as their TRUE friend and not a safety net.
Money really is the "root of ALL evil" (think God said that too)
Money separates families, makes people kill themselves, makes people lie, cheat and steal from each other.
When did LOVE split a family up?
People don't fight in the street and Court over PEACE!
No one screams and shouts at others with their fists clenched while telling the person they are yelling at how much they LOVE them!
Now why it that?
Peace and Love can't be BOUGHT!
Thats the simple truth!
Who DOESNT want peace and contentment in their heart, and someone to love who loves them back equally?
So, if Money doesnt get these things for us WHY THE FUCK ARE WE KILLING EACH OTHER FOR IT?
It seems once people have peace and love, the rest just follows, or maybe, no longer matters.
I wish you Peace and Love.