The Internet is a place where we find many teachers expounding their opinions. In fact, even in the world there are people every where who are eager to voice their views on all kinds of subjects. Thats why talk shows are so popular. Many are given a platform to speak. They voice their opinions, in spite of the fact they are not qualified on the subject, nor do they have the knowledge to speak. With so many personal ideas being voiced, much confusion and error are being disseminated.
Maybe there is a way to know when to share, what to share, and where to share.
I read this...
James 3:1: "Not many (of you) should become teachers, my brethren, for you know that we (teachers) will be judged by a higher standard and with greater severity (than other people). -- Thus we assume the greater accountability and the more condemnation."
Its a real worry that people put so much trust in the opinions of others (who are more fucked up themselves most of the time)
When someone gives advice (good or bad) we ask ourselves...
" is that person qualified to make that judgement?"
"Who are they?"
"what have they done?"
"where have they been?"?
"why would they KNOW what is the right thing to do?"
No...but perhaps it would be smarter.
Perhaps ONLY THEN...we can say...
"I see why they think the way they do"
"that person is qualified"
"He HAS experienced something like what I am going through and DOES know how to prevent/make happen nightmares/dreams!"
"He HAS walked in shoes similar to mine!"
Sometimes my thoughts go so deep I find it so hard to express them...
I try to look inside myself for listen to my consciense and trust it.
After all, I am all I have....
I am the only one who really knows ME.
I KNOW whats in my heart.
Others merely try to guess my thoughts and feelings by watching and judging my actions and reactions.
I know my own truth.
The Bible?..the Word of God? Why not?
I find the fact that a big explosion was the cause of this complicated universe and all that exsists within, extremely hard to believe. I find it easier to believe that our Creator came down to Earth to live amongst us so He could experience whats like for us, and give up his Body to save our arses.
Most people who knock the Bible, or God or "religion" have not read one WORD to know one way or the other...yet we take their advice as fact!
OK here are MY beliefs. I am not telling you what is right or wrong, these are just MY OWN opinions.
I believe there is no such thing as an ATHIEST, as an asthiest says there is NO God. How the hell would they know as they would have to know EVERYTHING before making that comment.
An Agnostic on the other hand just doesnt believe in God...he doesnt KNOW whether He is real or not. Thats fine and they are free to believe that without my judgement.
I am a believer.
I don't think The Bible is literal.
I don't think Adam was simply a man...I feel he may have been a "race of people" perhaps.
I think maybe there were different "Adams and Eves" around the world...and they ALL fucked up with the apple thing!
Go to Then don't read the King James Version unless you speaketh liekth thiseth...Look for any answers you are looking for but use the Revised Standard translation. Its AMAZING!
I am NOT "religious" nor a "Church goer" However, I LIKE the Bloke that "Jesus of Nazareth" was said to have been.I would like to think and act like Him and be kind and so full of love! Im not so sure I want to end up like Him, but I feel that even that part of the Bible was not literal either....
It is written that He DIED for US...To make things easier and less complicated for us, so we didnt get confused about all the sacrifices and covenants the Old testament speaks about so often.
Apparently (as I read it) had things remained the same (BC) everytime we did something or wanted to ask for something we had to make some kind of sacrifice...even our offspring were good for a really BIG ask.
But I bet God could plainly see His creation turning into a pack of IDIOTS so He came donw to live amongst us. Who better than in the body of His Son. Jesus His SON (bodily), was the LAST Sacrifice and the only one made on our behalf.
That Dude had only ONE commandment for us to follow.
A covenant was made between us and God and it said that we could forget all about the other TEN Commandments if we could only do this ONE thing...LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
We can't even get that right.
What hope would he have had for us after watching how we stuffed up His TEN Commandments, and now, even though He went to a heck of a lot of trouble, we can even follow ONE?
Yep, 2003 years later, we STILL can't even get that ONE commandment right!
Most of us have never even THANKED the guy for what He did!
For example, "Hey Thanks Mate, you did the biggest and nicest and most incredible thing anyone has ever done for me and I appreciate it. SURE, i'll have a crack at following that ONE thing once youre gone!"
Nope, we continue to be the senseless idiots we were 2003 years ago, before He dropped in to straighten us up for the second time (the first being Noah and his Ark, but thats another story).
So even after all that He has donw for us, only a few (on the big scale)have decided that "yep, that Dude had some good ideas and they work!"
Think I am being too hard?
Know any strangers who would take a bullet for you?
What about the people next door? Reckon they would DIE for you?
What about that arsehole who pulled in front of you in his car and cut you off? "Hey mate, could you pull over for a minute? I want to tell you that I would DIE for you if I had to!"
Everybody is so quick to blame God...yet how may people actually PRAY when they are HAPPY and dont WANT anything?
Im the fIRST to put my hand up.
Im going to try to be better.
I have NOTHING to
Hey God...THANKS For giving me a million chances to stuff up again and again in the quest to make myself a better person.Thanks for coming down in the body of your only Son, and thank you for allowing his body to be the final sacrifice. No one has put their life on the line for me or offered up their first born as a debt payment for my sins and stupidity.
Oh yeah and Thanks for trying to help me get my act together and allow me the freedom to be a good person and have a good life not only on earth, but as the prayer states, "but in Heaven". I admit it gets pretty tough...but I guess if YOU did it then so can I!"
Eh...I will find all of the answers eventually...sooner or later. We will all find out the truth. I have never been a good fence sitter. Its either all or nothing.
I have nothing to lose by believing in fact, I have MORE to lose if by thinking there is no reason for this hell on Earth which we have all been thrown into.