Fanboyism at its finest

Mar 22, 2007 08:02

"PS Triple" is the Shnizzle Yo!This n**ga gets all the honeys!

'Sup bitches! Ya'll know that the PS Triple is the shit yo! That right bitches. Nobody want no Xbox 360. What, are they teaching geometry? Who cares about playing Gay-lo 3? And nobody want no Wii. The Wii? You can't pick up no honeys with a Wii.

Ahem. Now while I may be the type of guy who would enjoy using the Wii's dildo-like controller in "Wario Ware: Shove This Controller Up Your Own Ass", I fully admit that if I were a honey, you know I wouldn't ride with no n**ga if he ain't got no PS Triple!

NOTE: Mostly safe for work (i.e. no sex or nudity) unless you or your employer are offended by someone repeatedly using the "N" word as if he's a brutha from da hood when he clearly is not.
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