1. She Cleans Up Nicely
The USTful, Will They or Won't They, Slap Slap Kiss couple is at a formal event - either as reluctant dates or as part of a group. Usually in some sort of ballroom or fancy dress setting. The girl (it's always the girl - almost) appears a little late, standing at the top of the stairs in her outfit (which is probably an order of magnitude more attractive and stylish than her usual wear.) The light catches her just right so she sparkles. And, of course, suddenly she's got boobs. The guy, at the foot of the stairs, glances up and sees her and his jaw drops, eyes widen. The music rises. His heart flutters. He may gulp loudly. Can't make a coherent sentence for a minute or two. Sometimes the girl is self-conscious and shy of her new appearance, and sometimes she looks at the guy and goes "What? What are you looking at me for?" Occasionally she smirks instead, enjoying the effect she's having on the guy.
2. Will They Or Won't They
Two characters, often combative but with obvious Unresolved Sexual Tension (or UST), resist going into a full blown relationship for a rather long time. Usually the two characters will be presented so that "they will" is the conclusion to root for; only rarely is the question of whether the writers think they should in any real doubt.
3. Undercover As Lovers
Alice and Bob need a disguise. Maybe they're detectives, maybe they're spies, or maybe they're just on the run from the law. For whatever reason, the disguise they decide to adopt requires that they pretend to be a couple.
4. Opposites Attract
Of course, it’s all but guaranteed that the characters’ differences will cause more friction than harmony between them. That’s what gives the Odd Couple its fuel for Slap Slap Kiss, Will They Or Wont They, and Aw Look They Really Do Love Each Other situations. Bickering and mushiness in one package. What’s not to like?
5. Unresolved Sexual Tension
Two people are obviously attracted to each other, but some element of the story is keeping them apart. This tension is frequently referred to as UST in fandom, where it is pronounced "oost" or Yu-Ess-Tee. Also known as "Long Unresolved Sexual Tension".
6. Everyone Can See It
Except for them, of course. This trope happens when two characters are just perfect for each other, but neither realizes it (or only one realizes it). However, everyone around them - such as their friends, family, and enemies - can see their obvious feelings for each other. This can also happen when people (outsiders) mistake them for a couple when they're not together, resulting in a She Is Not My Girlfriend situation, designed to show the audience (and the characters) just how strong/obvious their feelings for each other are.
7. False Start
The main character has always loved or lusted for another character on the show. He gets his courage up to go tell her. Music swells, he takes a breath... And somehow the whole thing gets derailed. Either he chickens out, she asks him a question about this hot guy she's been chasing, or she runs off to go fight vampires, or someone else barges into the room and destroys the opportunity entirely.
8. I Didn't Mean To Turn You On
Alice would probably love to do nothing more than jump Bob right then and there, but she can't. She may already be married (and she doesn't want to cheat), or maybe Bob is, or maybe they've been Like Brother And Sister all their lives. Or it could just be that she's too shy to speak or act on her feelings, or they're in public, or maybe Bob's too young for her, or any combination of the above or more.
9. Leaving You To Find Myself
The tale is approaching its finale and you have a character who has undergone many changes. Now you need them to make a bold statement, to show the world that they are a fully developed individual.
10. Like Brother and Sister
For the last time, She Is Not My Girlfriend! Unfortunately for two characters who insist they are not a romantic couple, the Just Friends excuse can only work so many times, and not even once before Lampshade Hanging. Besides, it's obvious these two really are more than Just Friends. But, hey, if the ancient Greeks had other types of love besides Romance and Friendship, so can we. The characters admit, even to themselves, that they matter a great deal to each other, that they would die for each other, that they can't imagine life without each other. They're as close as family. With all the Nakama showing up out there, it's not that big of a stretch. Okay, they do love each other, like a brother and sister love each other, but they're not in love. They're Like Brother And Sister - nothing more. Got it?
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here. TV tropes and definitions can be found