Quick mobile note

Jun 23, 2012 11:20

*curses tiny keys and goofy thumbs*

A beautiful sunny warm Saturday! I'm enjoying coffee and bagel at my fave coffee shop. My friend L is supposed to be joining me, but she is easily distracted by shiny objects so... *shrug* who knows. She had offered to drive me to larger grocery store for more selection and better prices than the little place next door. Well, if she isn't here in another 30 minutes, i'l just go shop as usual. L sais she'd be done her errand and be back this way by 1030ish. It's almost 1115 so she probably got distracted and forgot the time. I love my sort-of sister dearly but her inability to manage her time makes me crazy. Ah well, i have my little shopping cart so nothing will stop me from finishing chores and getting home when when i told mom to expect me.

Other than that, so far so good today. How are you doing?

Posted via m.livejournal.com.

~~~~~ ~ ~~~~~

Edited to add: L did finally show up and so grocery shopping was accomplished. And best of all, after I got home and the groceries put away, Mom and I headed back to the coffee shop for lunch. One of the kids who works there made a point of stopping by our table to sit and chat with her for a moment. Then he came by to cheer her on when we played crib (she won both games). All in all, I think the outing did Mom some good. :D

that's life, random

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