[expletive deleted]

Oct 05, 2005 22:02

Snow. This is not what I wanted for my birthday. An overnight accumulation of around 10cm is expected.

This is the bastard love child of an arctic air mass and a Colorado Low. We're not supposed to get Colorado Lows this early. ::grumbles::

So I ended up skipping Italian last night so I could go buy a winter coat. Smart move. My little fall jacket would not have cut it. On the plus side, there was a major sale. On the down side, this means my spa day has been cut to a half-day, because, well, I have to pay for the coat. ::pouts::

~~~ ~ ~~~

I've been having a blast making icons. I've added to my collection and I've got a whole bunch of caps waiting to be turned into icons. This is entirely too much fun!

~~~ ~ ~~~

Damn wet snow is still coming down. North winds are still holding steady at 46 - 59kph.

Don't mind the cold. Don't mind the snow. It's the wet that makes the body ache. Ah well. The temps are supposed to be around 14C by the weekend. Go figure.

/bitch session

~~~ ~ ~~~

Time to do a little more work on Inatteso. While Mulder is busy making friends, Goren has found a kindred spirit. So to speak. ::evil grin::

rant, writing

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