Written last night. The muse seems to be hopped up on...something... *looks shifty*
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Title ---
A Practical Solution [approx. 2,200 words]
Summary --- Given enough pressure, even strong minds can break.
Characters --- Rodney McKay, Radek Zelenka, John Sheppard; gen (although hint of John/Rodney if you squint really hard)
Warnings --- character deaths, language, references to violence, insanity
Written for the Spook Me challenge.
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I got my
kink_bigbang posting date! Always Midnight Somewhere goes live November 5. *twirls and dances*
edited to add I just got word my
werewolfbigbang fic Kiss of the Blue Moon goes live November 8! And there is a mix to go with it! *wags tail with enthusiasm*