I'd melt, but that would take too much energy...

Jul 02, 2010 23:32

It's after 11pm and the temp is 27C humidex 37C (81F/98). Now, I do realize some of you have it much worse, but I'm a northern child... And on top of it all mom is having a hard time breathing because the air is so thick.

And the power went out. It took about an hour to come back up - an hour without any fans, without any way to keep mom comfortable... UGH! All is well for the moment, so... /weather-related bitching

~~~ ~ ~~~

I had to get another cell phone. My old one just wouldn't hold a charge for very long. It got to the point where I carried the charger with me back and forth to work. I'd charge the phone, get to work the next morning and suddenly the phone would give the 'charge battery' warning. No terribly useful, that.

I went to check out new phone - I've been researching online the various models available for the pay-as-you-go phones (not as fancy as the ones available if you sign your life away as part of a service plan), and had reached the point where I wanted to be able to handle the phones to see if they'd be okay for me.

I now have a Samsung Touch with slide out QWERTY keyboard. Huh. Not too bad price-wise. *shrug*

The fun part of this little transaction came when I pulled out my old phone. The salesgal giggled -- GIGGLED!! See, it has the adorable antenna on top, which makes it a kidn of antique... Anyway, when she opened it up to take out th sim card, all I heard was "OH MY GOD YOUR BATTERY EXPLODED!"


She showed me where the battery had burst, causing a definite bulge in the casing. Huh. No one can figure out how I'd been able to use the darn thing...

Now I just need to make sense of the user manual. I won't tell you how long it took me to figure out how to answer it... *facepalm*

~~~ ~ ~~~

Bare skin + high heat/humidity + leather chair = OW!!!

~~~ ~ ~~~

Writing: I've finished one of the prompts for Watson, and have built upon the backstory I've already created for him. That man lived an interesting life. *snicker* Two of the remaining ones currently being worked on will be silly, and one is a bit more in the angst camp.

~~~ ~ ~~~

Why hasn't the rent come out of my account yet? Yesterday was the first and that was a holiday - I get that. However, today is a regular banking day so it should be done already. *grumblegrumble* I hate doing the mental mathematical-gymnastics to be sure the rent money doesn't accidentally get spent. *more grumbles*

~~~ ~ ~~~

There appears to be a slight breeze outside. I'm tempted to sit out there for a while except that there are also mosquitoes. Oh, the dilemma. *ponders*

~~~ ~ ~~~

And in the totally TMI category --- I don't understand why any woman in her right mind would want large boobs. Seriously. In hot weather they are uncomfortable and there's lots of sweat and...and... I now have a boil under one of them. Talk about painful and awkward. *huffs* The bra band goes right over top, resulting in pressure and friction. However, braless isn't really an option, because then there's the weight of the damn watermelon breast pressing down on it, not to mention that letting my girls run wild is just asking for someone to end up with a concussion. Mom mourns the loss of her breasts; I'd be happy to give her mine.

~~~ ~ ~~~

On the bright side, laundry is done for this week. Actually, I'd just returned to the apartment moments before the power cut out. Lucky. Sadly that luck did not translate into the lotto - I did not win tonight's draw. Nothing. Nada. Zerozipzilch.

~~~ ~ ~~~

Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II is in town tomorrow. I'm tempted to head out to see her, but I really don't fancy getting there in the early morning to stake out a spot. Ah well.

~~~ ~ ~~~

Okay, I've rambled way too much. Clearly I need sleep. Which I won't really be getting in this humidity. On the other hand, maybe that doesn't matter as much as elevating my legs. My feet are swollen right now.

Oh! I just yawned! That's a good sign. Time to log off and get ready for bed. Sleep well my dears!

weather, apartment life, techno-woe, random

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