today's topics: holidays, writing, weather

Jan 04, 2009 15:08

Man, I'm not looking forward to going back to work. This will be a full 5-day week, plus a meeting Thursday night. I'll definitely be ready for the weekend. Alas, it'll only be a paltry 2-day weekend...

Christmas got extended a bit. I got a gift from my B-i-L this week, and I got a card on Friday from vr_trakowski. I think my tree will stay up until next weekend. Mom and I cleared out the storage room, so now we'll have a place to put the tree and decorations.

Huh. I guess it's time to rotate the songs on my ipod and remove the Christmas stuff. :(

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I've noticed folks putting up summaries of what they've written over the past year. Well, I think the Christmas Fic Master List pretty much covers it for me. LOL Well, that and a couple of challenge responses and some haiku was pretty much it. Frankly, I'm surprised I wrote as much as I did.

The really interesting thing for me was that I ventured into fandoms I've never before written, and that I dabbled in femslash. I'm working on another couple of femslash pieces right now. The current challenge at slashtheimage is a remainder challenge, which I'm using to get caught up on the ones I missed. It seems I'm fixated on Catherine/Lady Heather. Colour me surprised. o_O

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Windchill has been hovering around -41C. It snowed yesterday and last night, so the sidewalks were a mess this morning. The apartment block next door gets the award for Worst Neighbour. They had plowed out the sidewalk in front of their building, but stopped when they got to the property line - leaving the pile of snow in the middle of the sidewalk and thus blocking the sidewalk. I had to climb over it on the way to church this morning.

I'm glad Mom decided to stay home (cold temp + snowy sidewalks + COPD = collapse).

The cold is expected to continue through the week. According to Environment Canada, tomorrow morning I could be dealing with -48C windchills. Well, it will certainly be invigorating.

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With luck, mom and I will watch Iron Man tonight.

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I hope everyone has had a wonderful holiday, and that the coming week brings good things or at least things that are not too annoying.

weather, family, apartment life, writing, random

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