In case you were wondering....

Jul 09, 2006 22:07

Sexual Harassment... / Flirting...
feels bad / feels good
one-sided / reciprocal
feels unattractive / feels attractive
is degrading / is a compliment
feels powerless / in control
power-based / equality
negative touching / positive touching
unwanted / wanted
illegal / legal
invading / open
demeaning / flattering
sad/angry / happy
negative self-esteem / positive self-esteem


I found this list on the Feminist Majority's website on sexual harrassment. I've been sorting through some questionable behavior from a dude at work, and trying to process my reactions to it. It's been difficult because I feel like I've had some conflicting responses, but reading through this list has helped me to recognize that sometimes harrassment, inappropriate behavior and unwanted attention isn't always clear-cut, though it is definitely worth dealing with. Sexual harrassment is the butt of a lot of jokes (including some pretty funny ones!) but I've found that it's way way WAY more commonplace than I'd ever imagined, and that in some form or another, it's actually been part of my experience since childhood. I'm willing to bet I'm not the only one who feels that way.
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