Aug 04, 2008 20:04
Last weekend, G and I went to a bachelor party for one of his gaming friends. Lots of testosterone, lots of open bars, lots of large men slapping one another on large backs and saying things like, "There he is!" and "That's what she said!" and "More cock stories!" in the way that straight men do. When women are absent. Honestly, I've never seen so many burly men touching one another and making dick references without fast-forwarding to the part where they all get naked and do one another on the carpet.
ANYway, it was fun.
Here's the best part: I did the group a favor and at the request of the Best Man, took some video with my MacBook. Whatever. No big deal, kind of awkward. As a reward, I was given a large tin of homemade brownies that were left over at the end of the nite.
Over the course of the week, I've been snacking on the brownies. Also during the week, life seemed kind of weird.
Greg asked me after I'd worked my way thru the brownies and after I'd spent 10 minutes tying my shoes, if I had figured out that the brownies were full of pot.
I had not.