
Nov 30, 2003 12:55

thanksgiving this year was great! first off..it was my first thanksgiving i got to spend with jonathan. he met me at starbucks when i got off at noon and we headed out to my house for some raviolis. then we made our way to Mississippi and we visited his grandmother in the hospital and then ate some more food at his house. His grandmother was soo sweet. She just held my hand forever. It almost made me cry. Jonathan told me thank you for making him to go to the hospital to see her. It made her and his mom really happy because none of the grand kids had gone to see her. But thanksgiving overall was just great. And i'm glad Jonathan was able to meet some more of my family too. They pulled me aside and told me the really liked him. YAY!

Then I was showing my little sister some of my new kickboxing moves and I punched her in the shoulder (now her shoulder is bruised and swollen!!!) it was very cool. Then Jonathan took off his belt and let her have it and she slashed me in the back of my leg..and it popped a blood vessel! My leg looked like it had a golf ball in it from the bump it caused.. and it was all bruised too. But it was great fun. Plus jonathan did one of his martial arts high kick thingys.. and it was amazing too.

so.. yeah.. I took a kickboxing class last Saturday and it was soo much fun! I learned some punches and moves n' stuff...and it was a really good abs/arms workout. It was great fun.

Have i told you how much i like jonathan?? He's...awesome. Its actually really really cool this love i feel for him. Its like ...nothing i've ever felt before. and its ...great. Its like ..i know what people mean when they say you just know when someone is the right one. and .. i know what they mean. jonathan is just.. amazing. this love i feel for him. definiately not something i have ever felt before.. and that's very, very exciting.
Its cool that i've known him for about 2 years..just from him coming into starbucks and stuff. we actually started hanging out about a year and a half ago..and obviously it picked up a lot a year ago after nath moved out. The first time Jonathan asked me to hang out was back in May of 2002. Him and his twin brother, Jeremy would come into starbucks..and one day Jonathan asked me if i wanted to go see his brothers band play at the hard rock. It was his way of being able to see me outside of work. Another time he asked me to go to a dinner banquet that his work was having downtown. And of course i said yes. So we got all dressed up and went to this dinner downtown. I remember i had to pick nath up that night from work..and he was mad at me for not telling him i was going.... See, Nath and I were not actually together at this time. He was still living in my house..but we weren't "officially" dating. And nath told me he wanted me to hang out with other guys.. and not just stay at home with him. so.. I did. He said he "didn't care" ....yeah right.. He would always be pissed off later when he found out i went out with jonathan. I mean..i obviously liked Jonathan..and Nath was being a jerk to me...so.. I'd go out with him. Jonathan actually had a girl that he was with and they had the same situation as me and nath did.. so its kinda neat to think we both went through that kind of situation at the same time and that we also had each other :) Another time he brought me krispy kreme at work at 5 in the morning! Its so much fun talking about all this past times that we hung out ..or talked.. because we knew we had a crush on each other...but it was a strange situation because i was hung up on nath. and I couldn't fully appreciate jonathan because a big part of me was still stuck on nath. I had to completely get over nath before i could be with jonathan. And I had to make sure that it wasn't just me being needy which is why i didn't immediately attach to jonathan.. i took a bit of time..and even went out with some other guys to make sure what i was feeling was really true..and not just me being needy of another relationship. So its fun talking with him about how we felt about certain situations..or what we were thinking when we hung out somewhere. He actually told his brother the day they brought me donuts that one day i would be his woman. :) All kinds of fun stuff.
he's... great. and im so happy.

okay.. sorry about that. i just had to get it out :)

Starbucks is kraziness right now. This is the busiest time of the year for us.. so ..its insane. The day after Thanksgiving we opened at 4:30 in the morning. It was insane! I did the same thing i did last year and wore a tube on a backpack that was filled with coffee..and we went to Toys R Us and Best Buy and served coffee for free to people standing in lines for hours. It was sooo much fun. People were sooo happy to have us there. And then we went inside the wolfchase to do the same thing.. but... they kicked us out. oh well. it was fun though :)

I hung out with Emily and Deanna last night. We went to a place in Overton Square called Yosemite Sam's. It had some really bad karaoke ..but it was a pretty neat place. It was a fun time though. Emily and I sang "come on eileen" It was great fun hanging out with those two. Emily and Lara will both be back during Christmas and that will be a blast.

My little sister has been talking to this guy, Trevor, for about a year over the computer. They send pictures..and talk on the phone alllllll the freakin' time. He's her age also.. He lives in Utah with his mom..and his grandparents live there too.. but there's some kind of really bad situation going on at home.. so .. for his christmas present from his mom...his mom is letting him take a bus.. 1 day and 20 hours.. to memphis.. to stay with us for 10 days! can you believe that? that's...insane. Its exciting..weird.. and scary all in one. My parents are so cool...messed up.. .but cool. My mom and dad are actually really exciting about having this guy here to stay with us! .. Its ..insane! we have an extra bedroom for him to sleep in and stuff.. and he is going to go to church with us..and also midnight mass..and then spend christmas with us. It must be some really really messed up situation at home for his mom to say "hey.. here's your chistmas present..a bus trip to spend 10 days with some girl and her family from memphis you've never actually met" I mean..my mom and his mom talk and the time and stuff.. but ..its still weird. I'm sure it will be fun though..and my sister is super super excited. It'll be the first guy she's had at a holiday lunch! awww!

oh yeah. My cousin Chris asked his girlfriend of 8 months, Kim, to marry him! another wedding! woo! Chris is 6 months younger than i am...he's tracy's brother. Nobody ..besides his immediate family.. had met her before. But they announced it at thanksgiving and it was kind of weird just because we don't know anything about her.. but of course we are very happy for them. After they announced it... jonathan turned to me and whispered.."we should tell them we are getting married to see what they say"... and we just kinda laughed about it and thought it would be a funny joke to see their reaction.. Well..i just found out that somone on my aunts side of the family heard him say that... and now there is a rumor going around that jonathan and i are engaged and i haven't announced it yet. haha... pretty funny. kinda cool though.. heh.. but funny that it turned into a rumor when he and i were just playin' around.

good times.

I'm hanging out with bagel today. we are going to see Love Actually! yay.

oh yah! i never livejournaled that Rachel, naths girl..maybe..i'm not ..really sure... Ended up switching stores. She went to the Dexter store because she "couldn't handle the situation" ..meaning..she didn't like seeing me and nath on the same shift at work and talking to each other. Pretty funny stuff.. so.. yeah..she's gone. I actually didn't even notice that she was already gone until 2 weeks later. Shows you how much i don't care anymore.

okay..im gonna do some online shopping :)
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