Twilight Road Trip

Dec 30, 2008 15:55

Being Twilight fans and living in the state of Washington, sxechiru , ~audiemay, and I made a pilgrimage to Forks, WA, home of Twilight. It was a fun trip, but it made me angry that they didn't film the movie there. You really can tell they didn't film it there when you see the movie. The forest is wrong (different species of trees) and La Push does not have a sand beach. The Forks residents were very kind! I expected them to be fed up with Twihards (some were there, but we didn't associate ourselves with them), but they were very welcoming and helpful. We saw Bella's truck, her house, the Cullen's house, the police station, the Thriftway and Outfitters, and the hospital (including Carlise's parking space!

Then we drove over to La Push. It's beautiful! The Pacific Ocean winds were a force to be reckoned with though. We saw a black dog walking around by itself and decided it was Seth because it was too small to be a full grown werewolf.

On the way home, we swung through Port Angeles and took a picture of Bella Italia restaurant.

It was a good trip and I'm glad I went, but it sure was a looooooooooooooong drive.

I forgot to mention the wicked awesome shirt audiemay made me. It's a bit of a Les Mis inside joke, but here goes: the front says "24601" and the back says
... "You know nothing of Javert!" It's adorable!

sxechiru drew me a totally awesome picture of Bellatrix Lestrange! She even added my wand! I'm going to hang it on my bedroom wall. She also bought me a little Wall-E toy and that's going on the Disney shrine shelf in my room.

Doctor Who, BTW.

2009 starts in two days, so I thought I'd better review my resolutions from last year:

Get my driver's lisence (Nope. Not yet, although Mom and audiemay are determined.)

Learn to draw worth a darn (Well, I'm getting better, so I think this one's a yes.)

Save up my money and get a quality digital camera like the ones we have in class (Yessiree!)

Next year:

Get driver's lisence (*sigh*)

Continue to improve my artistic skill

Slack off less on my school work (I'm not much of a slacker, but it's been pretty bad this year.)

Happy New Year, everyone!

chiru, audiemay, les miserables, twilight, harry potter, doctor who, bellatrix lestrange

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