New job

May 07, 2004 00:00

Well I have gotten a new job. I don't really want to be in a new job but I have to. My first reason is that I would like to be a dental assistant not a hygiene assistant. It is more exciting and not so boring. All I do is clean up rooms all day and answer the calls of people that can't even think on their own. Sometimes I feel that they just use me a little too much and take advantage too. The other 3 dental assistants always take advantage of me just because I am the Hygiene assistant. I really don't like that, but then again it is a job and I have to deal with it. My second reason for leaving is that I just don't feel that I make enough money there. Regular Dental assistants make an avrage of $14-$16 per hour and being a Hygiene assistant I make a lot less than that. I would like to make at lease $14 per hour but my boss does not give raises so it was either stay and be used for less money or move on and get experience with more money. I chose move on because I knew I wouldn't get the raise even if I asked for it. Then I would have stayed. I am so sad and depressed to be leaving Dr.B. I have been there 2 years come Aug. I wanted to stay there for a long time. Oh well I guess.
Update on the cats. Rose will be turning 1 year old this month and Lilly will be turning 1 year next month. They are getting so old. The vet said Willow is about 2 years. We will have to figure out a birthday for her.
Also.... We are almost done putting in our new yard and stuff. It is looking good. I am enjoying this yard work. I put a bench together all by myself. I am so proud of myself. You all will have to come over and look at it sometime. I will plan another party.
Hey Debbie..... Have you gotten a new job yet? What's up?
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