And, boy, can you run.

Nov 16, 2015 23:26

Catching the Bus - 11.16.15, 11.12pm

New Words: 4464

Total Words: 32388

Page Count: 158

Reason for Stopping: Sleep. One of the dangers of NaNoWriMo is that the priority becomes putting words on the page rather than organizing a narrative. This wasn't too much of a problem with the previous two efforts but I had outlines or previous material to work off of, more or less. Here, as this was nothing but a Word Doc with notes before November 1st, the trap has come to light, and I notice it only after I've fallen in and my world is constricted to a small circle over which passes the rest of the world. In more concrete terms, the incident that I thought would be the inciting event still hasn't occurred, which makes this a much different novel than was initially intended but also conquers my worry about its potential brevity. Perhaps the influence of Infinite Jest is too strongly felt. But having come to piece with the fact that this is but a first draft (and that I'm not really capable of banging out anything other than a first draft during this kinda of exercise) helps make the gap between idea and effort less annoying.

Still, I'm eager to finish this, not in an I-Can-No-Longer-Stand-This-Project way but in that I am currently sitting on some news that could make me very busy over the course of next year and I will soon need to begin studying for the Bar in earnest. And I'd rather an unfinished novel draft weren't hanging over my head. :)

Just Finished: Cloudsplitter - Russell Banks

nanowrimo, catching the bus, progress report

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