Jan 27, 2009 22:34
So I'm a big step closer to teaching middle school English in Baltimore next year. Details as things progress. Suffice it to say, it is not at all what I expected to find myself on track to doing at the beginning of the year. And I'm exhilarated and anxious and hopeful at the same time, all of which I probably should be feeling.
The play is still stuck, but I got a lovely piece of dialogue about the pitfalls of sticking one's hand in one's mother's purse. So that's going in there somewhere.
In somewhat related news, I've begun work on a script for an as-yet-unnamed police procedural and it's almost too much fun. It's also ridiculous how difficult it is for me to transition to this whole 4-act structure TV shows have set up. Though, word on the street is that's falling by the wayside. I mean; episodes of The Wire weren't written that way, they were written as feature screenplays without any act breaks, which is what I may eventually resort to for my other small-screen project (which is more exciting than I may ever be to effectively communicate).
The WGA Awards Ceremony is on the 7th (I believe) of February and I by some flick of the cosmic wrist, I may possibly find myself there. Cross your fingers. If it works out, it could end up being one of those key moments in my life that I look back at and am constantly overjoyed. Bowled over doesn't even begin to describe how I feel right now and things haven't even been confirmed yet.
Snow Dogs has been percolating in the back of my mind for the past month or so while my forebrain's been occupied with the Ancona pilot (a tentative two-parter) and the unnamed police procedural project. But I've been slowly laying down beats and breaking down major storylines into plot points to the point where I should be ready to write the damned thing by mid-February. As preparation and inspiration for it, I've been drowning myself in foreign film (not just of the gangster variety) so I have the feeling that when this screenplay does get finished, it'll have a distinctly non-American feel about it, which is what I'm kinda going for.
I know I've expressed this sentiment before but more than ever, I'm conscious of the incredible opportunities available here. Especially given the current economic climate, this sense of hope (fueled in large part by these projects I've got going) seems particularly poignant. Not to mention, my college experience is winding down.
I was talking with a friend last night over hookah and beers about the things we've managed to do so far in the four years during which we've known each other. The places we've been to, the experiences we've endured and enjoyed, the people we've come to know. It's been a life well lived. And I can't wait to continue living it.
In that vein, going to see The Wrestler tomorrow night and Slumdog Millionaire on Saturday. Gonna finally find out what all the fuss is about.