(no subject)

Feb 01, 2006 08:57

Class went ok last night. Never did find the plans I'd wanted to use in class, so I improvised. The class gets to draw their own plans of that parking lot to work off of. They need the drafting experience anyway. Let out early aggain--not much I can do when half the bunch doesn't bring their drawing supplies to class. Of the ones that stayed, they all finished the easy parts (getting the base map done) really quick, and did a decent job at that. Had a trio of older ladies that sit in front stay the longest, all confused and unsure of themselves. I rather enjoy watching them figure it out, and realize that it's not as hard as they thought. I like watching people get that little boost of confidence.

So, I got home early, again, was company for By & Cammie for a little bit before I just had to go be by myself for a while, and enjoyed a nice dinner which By cooked for us. (Thanks, sweetie!)

And now I'm back at my desk. I spend too much time here.

Had a oh-shit! moment this morning. Got out of my car and found that my key card wasn't on the key ring. Fuck. Put everything down, start hunting, find it in the tangle of groundcover in the island next to my car, put the damn thing DEEP in my pocket. Noticed, when I got in here and unloaded, that the little loop in it where a key ring goes is broken. Bugger. Guess I'll have to start carrying it in my pocket again.

Had three more students drop (makes 5 or 6)...one I know for sure was having scheduling issues. The others probably were as well. 5pm is an odd time for class, but that's what it was scheduled for before I got it, and I really don't want to be here until 10pm every Tues night, so that's where it's staying.

work, class

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