Seven Things Meme

Jan 31, 2006 20:57

From cammie018 and iarraaidh

Seven things meme, tag seven people.

Seven things to do before I die
* raise a kid, maybe two
* learn to play guitar (before I get too arthritic to do so)
* travel out of country
* get my orchard planted
* knit a wedding-ring shawl
* get a master's degree in horticulture
* come out to my mother. maybe. I'm still debating that one

Seven things I cannot do
* make a decent pie--that's what By's for
* handle equipment that vibrates (chainsaws, string trimmer, that sort of thing--the vibrations kill my hands these days)
* go off the high dive
* spin yarn (arthritis, again)
* read all the way through Machiavelli's The Prince -- I've fallen asleep by page 75 every time
* reach the high E the lead soprano does at the end of "Phantom of the Opera", because I've not used my singing voice for 15 years
* drive the Ford 8N tractor (I'm 5' tall, it has a clutch. 'Nuff said.)

Seven things that attract me to... people
* hair texture (doesn't have to be long, but it does have to feel good against my skin)
* intelligence (someone I have to work to keep up with is ideal)
* quirky-ness
* a good listener, and they've got to be someone I like to listen to
* passionate about something in their life
* that hard-to-define something that makes me feel safe in their presence; people either have it or they don't
* they're willing to put up with my brand of crazy

Seven things I say
* "fuzzy little bastard" (to the cats, and the new hamster when he bites)
* "not so much"
* "bugger"
* "STRING!!!" (in a Pippi Longstocking-silly voice)
* "this is my brain on decaf"
* "and there was tea, and the world was good"
* "I grew up 50 miles from the nearest mall or MacDonald's" (which is FUN to say to city kids who've never known anything else, they're very confused at that thought)

Seven books that I love
* The entire "Foreigner" series by C. J. Cherryh
* A Fistful of Sky by Nina Kiriki Hoffman, which is a kick-butt coming-of-age novel about growing up different, and adjusting. Wished it'd been around when I was 14.
* The Sparrow and The Children of God by Mary Doria Russell. Hard to describe, a bit disturbing, but well worth the read. Would have made me question my faith in God, had I still been that sort, but still good.
* Farming in Nature's Image, forget the author's name. Great book, even if outdated, on the state of agriculture in the United States, and it gives and overview of the possibilities and limitations of sustainable agriculture practices. tnrkitect, this might be one to add to your reading list for your energy essays.
* All of the Harry Potter books, because you can't read serious stuff all the time
* Landscaping with Herbs by James Adams. Love love love it. Hard to find, but a REALLY good landscaping book in general, whose author happens to prefer herbs, and use them predominantly. Love love love it.
* The current Plant Delights catalog. Yes, it counts.

Seven movies that I've loved
* All of Lord Of The Rings
* Safehouse, with Patrick Stewart
* Serenity
* Rob Roy
* Oscar, with Sylvester Stallone. Yes, it's a Stallone flick. And it's good. Really. It's a comedy. Honest. Try it.
* Gosford Park
* Master and Commander

And I tag
byronsart (because if enough of us tag him, he might actually put something in his journal)
tristan_knight (ditto)


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