
Jul 15, 2004 04:42

I've had a long chat with Green Dave. I haven't spoken to him in ages and I can't believe how life changing the conversation was. he made me see so many things. As a result, I;ve decided once and for all to make proper, big changes to my life, it will compliment to the new me.

I'm going to surround myself with positive, loving people, just like Susan Jeffers suggests, people who I can talk to, and they can talk to me, so it's a two way friendship, people I can have fun with, people I can trust wholly, people I can be myself with.

I've decided to delete this journal. It breeds paranoia and hurt on my part, and its a way to vent and other people can see, and its not healthy. Sometime in the next few days this journal will be deleted, and with it, all my life events over the past two years. It's not denying them, because they were there..but still the place I was two years ago isnt the place I was today and I well and truly need to move on.

Nothing will ever take away the fun times I had with my friends then, the stoning sessions - the deep and meaningful chats - the weird nights out in croydon - they'll always be proud and happy memories, but things change, and things can never be like those days again, ever. They were fun days, beautiful, special, funny, crazy, sad, and sick days. But they are gone now, and too much has happened since. Therefore, with the deletion of this journal, goes my unconscious urge to get back to the way things were because they cannot be like that anymore. It's sad but it's refreshing too.

Good bye Journal, good bye journal friends.

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