Why do i have a livejournal account? It;s not like i ever post anything up on it. Margaret Thatcher's hair was so bizaar. And its not like i have anything important to tell anyone. I was thinking of either staying in CHicago or going to montreal for college. Comfort zone or move to a country where i know not one person? both are appealing in their own ways. Should i leave my friends behind? most of them are staying in CHicago. I figure friends are imperminant anyways and ive always been more independant than any of my amigos. I should move to montreal and meet a french ice princess and take her to the jazz festival. I wish circle pines had a university. oberlin sucks. Middle of nowhere, real expensive and i think a lot of people who would call themselves liberal might go there. what do i know, not much. Man halloween was a bust as it always is with me. a i am looking forward to christmas vacation. My dad and his woman are leaving and i get the house to myself, well my brother will be here to but thats ok, maybe we'll have a good time drinking eggnog and what not. My mom is applying for foodstamps i njanuary when my grandfather goes to florida for the winter. I hope she can get registered for a housing voucher or something, a disability claim would be super, she ought to go to a doctor whatever its been this way for 30 years. why am i writing this information on this thing? i dont know. whatevs. oh and anopter thing i think i got some kind of foot fungus cuz they are really itchy, my toes and feet and such
i am a stress bomb lately. real tense, lotsa back pain. i need a large amount of marijuana i think to chill out for a weekend maybe. listen to some beethoven and take a bubble bath. I want to start reading again. Last year i read all the time in my free time, about hings that interested me, novels and what have you. this year, no time, stress, all of the sudden not so interested. well interested but not enough energy. i've always thought Wednesday should have no school. give some meaning to hump day. yeah i call it hump day when i like to. i should learn some bass theory, im interested in playing music and talking with people about it but i cant because i dont know anything about it. i want to read catcher in the rye agains and 1984 and read death on the installment plan and the wanderer and re read superpatriotism. History as mistory hegemony for survival. i want to learn more about the east timor genocide. i want to travel to south america to peru and see the llammas and the elephants on the hymalayas. I'd like to eat a eukalyptis leaf and listen to reggae in kingston. lay on a rug and smoke hash in a den where i cant understand any languages but still know how to communicate. i'd like to learn and go to college. i dont want a career. i want to be a traveler a vagabond a gypsie, nomad, with the people, read the motor cycle diaries in my spare time. I'd like to publish a book maybe contribute some art to a magazine. raise cattle. build skyscrapers. get water to thirsty people. work with people. talk with people. get angery with people. i love it when i am angery and the person next to me is also for the same reason. I want to walk around in the art institute all day. maybe steal a painting or get ideas and paint my own. my mother could teach me. i wish she had already. i wish she taght me latvian, at least a little. i wish i wasnt sick now. i dont want to miss anything. i dont want to feel like i shouldnt miss anything. i have to miss just about everything, sometimes life is a tragedy, or a comedy, mine is neither thus far, its borring and lack luster. melencholy somber quirky. i expect noone to read this mess. everything i just wrote about was not serious. it was a joke halfheartedly uttered for no reason. do you buy into what they say? do people do naughty things because there is a break between the intellect and will? can burger king pay its tomato farmer? come on, tomatoes are hard to raise
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