Cinema Report #22 - Edge of Tomorrow

Jul 28, 2014 07:48

I do love a good Science Fiction film and this was one of them. I'm a bit picky about Time Loop stories, because they can easily get annoying or frustrating since they are bound to be based on repetition, yet here they solved it well, in my opinion. Of course, Tom Cruise still is looking good and he even has a funny side, although this is not exactly a funny movie.

Rather than repeating each day in detail, they soon only showed what was different, skipping a lot of time on occasion and after a while you had to judge by the hero's behaviour how often he had already looped or if it's a new experience for him or not.
I liked his sidekick (Emily Blunt), too, but mostly because it was fun to watch how both characters developed during the course of the story and kind of switched roles. At first, she was the tough, experienced warrior who knew a lot of what was going on and he a coward with no skills besides a mouth pulled him into deeper trouble more often than not. But true to the general reversal of their roles, he had now the alien powers and learned to use them. He surpassed her, however, when he developed a more personal reason to succeed than just saving the world.

The aliens ought to be mentioned, too, because they were beautifully crafted, in their strange and fluid way. It's amazing how designers come up with ever new ideas for creatures like this.

It's a pity that the film ends rather abruptly and left me quite confused. I can't honestly say that I understand what exactly happened in the final show-down or what it means for the main characters and the world. It seemed like a happy ending, but somehow I was so much expecting a not-so-happy-ending that I have difficulties wrapping my head around it.


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