RP via AIM

Nov 12, 2006 00:05

Luke and Rachel

truth hurts rach: hey trouble avoider.
OlderScottBro: trouble avoider?
truth hurts rach: i dunno you seem to try to avoid drama...it just finds you.
truth hurts rach: i'm not at the top of my name calling game. sorry
OlderScottBro: well drama is stupid, and not worth my time
truth hurts rach: I know that.
truth hurts rach: I'm now finding this out .
OlderScottBro: well its about time
truth hurts rach: gee thanks. you're such a great friend.
OlderScottBro: i know. no i'm kidding.
truth hurts rach: are you sure?
OlderScottBro: sure about what?
truth hurts rach: that you're kidding.
OlderScottBro: half and half
truth hurts rach: i see.
OlderScottBro: drama is just high school bull shit. that wont even matter when high school is over and done with
truth hurts rach: I know.
OlderScottBro: well im glad that you are finally figuring this out
truth hurts rach: Unfortunately it took what happened at Nathan & Haley's wedding for me to realize that.
OlderScottBro: well at least you're learning... there is a step.
truth hurts rach: yeah.
truth hurts rach: so what's the story with you and peyton?
OlderScottBro: she's a really good friend of mine
truth hurts rach: I heard about what happened to her. I think it's terrible.
OlderScottBro: it really is. but that is why i'm spending a lot of time with her. i want to make sure that she is ok
truth hurts rach: I understand that.
OlderScottBro: good
OlderScottBro: so i haven't reeally talked to you in a while. how have you been?
truth hurts rach: I've been ok.
truth hurts rach: as you might know, Brooke is living with me.
OlderScottBro: ah. and how is that going
truth hurts rach: It's going smoothly for the moment.
OlderScottBro: you two used to hate eachother... how did that come about
truth hurts rach: the accident has brought things into a different perspective for me i guess.
truth hurts rach: I knew she got kicked out of Peyton's because the two of them fight like an old married couple..so i told her she could stay with me.
OlderScottBro: that was nice of you
truth hurts rach: My house is nothing but a big empty thing with out parents.
OlderScottBro: well that makes sense
truth hurts rach: i guess.
truth hurts rach: how are things going with you?
OlderScottBro: i'm doing all right
truth hurts rach: that's good to hear..i think.
truth hurts rach: it'sbetter than doing bad.
OlderScottBro: yea it is
OlderScottBro: i just try to take things one day at a time
truth hurts rach: yeah
truth hurts rach: Have you talked to Haley lately?
OlderScottBro: yeah why?
truth hurts rach: Did she tell you her and i have started trying to patch things up between us?
OlderScottBro: no she hasn't. but it makes sence... she is alittle preoccupied with the baby on the way. but that is very adult of you.
truth hurts rach: thank you.
truth hurts rach: I was actually amazed she decided to go with me on it.
OlderScottBro: well she's a good person. and she does her best to try to see the good in people. i mean if you knew nathan before haley was with him... you'd understand.
truth hurts rach: I've heard a few stories.
truth hurts rach: Like the time when you two got into it at your second game i think it was
OlderScottBro: yea, in the beginnning i was really protective of her when it came to him, because i knew he was after her to get to me
truth hurts rach: yeah well it just goes to show that people can change. right?
OlderScottBro: yup.
OlderScottBro: and it looks like you're on your way
OlderScottBro: so i am proud of you
truth hurts rach: thank you.
truth hurts rach: how's your mom?
OlderScottBro: she's good. we went to the hospital the other day and everything is just fine
truth hurts rach: that's good to hear.
truth hurts rach: is she happy about the baby?
OlderScottBro: yes. at first a little nervous, but we'll make it through it
truth hurts rach: that's good that you're there for her.
OlderScottBro: of course... she's my mom. and i know i have to because now that keith is gone she needs someone.
OlderScottBro: im not going to let her do this alone
truth hurts rach: I wouldn't expect you to luke. you're too good of a guy to do that. That's one thing you sure as hell didn't get from Dan..you're big heart.
OlderScottBro: that because of dan... doesn't work to its full potential.
OlderScottBro: just think what i could of been if i didnt have hcm
truth hurts rach: well....no one is perfect right.
OlderScottBro: yes i know this
truth hurts rach: how do you mean what you could've been....like in basketball?
OlderScottBro: that and other things
truth hurts rach: how so?
truth hurts rach: if you want to explain...if not, that's fine.
OlderScottBro: well... for example my heart is fragile, so i have to be more careful with it
truth hurts rach: right..
OlderScottBro: so relationship wise i have to be careful too
truth hurts rach: i got that.
truth hurts rach: i was gonna say something but i didn't want to be sarcastic at that moment.
OlderScottBro: well im glad that you restrained.
truth hurts rach: i try.
OlderScottBro: because i am being sincere right now
truth hurts rach: i figured.
OlderScottBro: well its good that you are using your brain
truth hurts rach: now whose the one being sarcastic?
OlderScottBro: i wasn't trying to be sarcastic
truth hurts rach: ok. i wasn't being hostile. it just sounded like you were being sarcastic.
OlderScottBro: nope
OlderScottBro: so did you have fun tonight... whatever it is that you dud?
OlderScottBro: did*
truth hurts rach: actually i stayed in for the night.
OlderScottBro: look whos staying in now... see im not a loser
OlderScottBro: i had homework atleast
truth hurts rach: Oh shush. I like to have time to myself sometimes.
truth hurts rach: Besides...brooke was out.
OlderScottBro: so you two can't go out at the same time?
truth hurts rach: so it was the perfect opportunity for a "Rachel day"
truth hurts rach: no...we just can't stay in at the same time. usually the only time i see her in the house is at night before "bed"
OlderScottBro: ahh... so she's going out a lot then
truth hurts rach: either that or i am.
truth hurts rach: point is, we're never in the house at the same time.
OlderScottBro: i get it
truth hurts rach: She should be back in a couple hours though.
OlderScottBro: ok.
OlderScottBro: its not like i need to know where she is or what she's doing. were not together anymore.
truth hurts rach: I know.
truth hurts rach: I was kidding anyways.
truth hurts rach: relax.. seriously.
truth hurts rach: Did you finish your psyche?
OlderScottBro: well with brooke its a touchy subject.
truth hurts rach: i'm sorry. i tend to forget that matter btwn the two of you.
OlderScottBro: i've done all i can do for the night. i'm going to go to the library tomorrow to work on it some more.
OlderScottBro: i need to get more research in
truth hurts rach: what
truth hurts rach: what's the specifics of it?
OlderScottBro: well... im writing a paper on what makes people attracted to other people
truth hurts rach: interesting.
truth hurts rach: did you pick the topic?
OlderScottBro: yup
truth hurts rach: figures.
OlderScottBro: why do you say that?
truth hurts rach: you're a smart guy though so it should be easy for you.
OlderScottBro: well thank you
truth hurts rach: you're welcome.
truth hurts rach: I think I'm going to head off to bed though.
truth hurts rach: It was good talking with you Luke. I miss you.
OlderScottBro: well you know where i am
truth hurts rach: I know.
truth hurts rach: I'll see you around ok?
OlderScottBro: ok. good night, and sweet dreams
truth hurts rach: thanks. you too
truth hurts rach is away at 10:51:34 PM.
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