I've been offered a gig playing fiddle at the wedding of an Indian woman and an Irish guy in August. They're hiring a tabla player as well, and we are to invent our own musical fusion. I'm a long-time fan of tabla, and can't wait to try this out. The question is whether any traditional Indian rhythms get along with the rhythms of Irish tunes. I'm optimistic; there is a myth in the Irish music community that the style descends from Indian music. Also, I vaguely remember playing fiddle with a tabla player at a house session many years ago and it being awesome.
On the other hand, I once had this awful gig where I ended up playing fiddle tunes with a salsa percussionist and it was the worst-sounding thing ever. Those are two incompatible rhythmic traditions for you.
Eee! Tabla! I can't wait to set up a rehearsal.
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