The uncelebrated joys of potato-eating and document-filing

Jun 15, 2008 23:36

The Philidelphia-born concept of "One Local Summer", appeared in the blog of catalyst75"'s friend Amberism* and sounded like a wonderful idea. It's a challenge to eat one entirely local meal each week from June to August. (Non-local spices/ sauces are fine.)

I meant to write about this earlier, like at the end of May, because this information might have been useful before it was already mid-June. Sorry about that. Bad blogger. On the bright side, now might be a good time to hear about the idea because a good variety of local produce is just starting to roll in.

The last two weeks, Zach and I have eaten a rather thin local Sunday dinner which involved some variation on potatoes, carrots and fish. The chives which have been flourishing obscenely and inexplicably in the damp shade of my balcony have also been featured. To tell the truth, I don't particularily like chives, but it is a cheap thrill to eat a token amount of actual food that is growing on the balcony.

No plans for this week's local dinner yet, but I hope to drop by the Riley Park farmer's market on Wednesday afternoon and score some local something. Whatever it is, the meal will certainly feature a salad made with fresh lettuce from the lush back yard of the lovely Rain City Gardener.


In more mundane news, I got a filing cabinet. On the instructions of a getting-organized book, I obtained a sweet filing cabinet from the radiant dabrota, who is shedding possessions. Its arrival (and anticipation)occasioned the actual, honest-to-goodness organizing of a great many diverse pieces of paper. These are pieces of paper like performance contracts or the details of medical benefits, which would otherwise be floating around the apartment in annoying little piles, never to be seen when needed. My pleasure at having somewhere to put them is tangible, and probably not healthy.

*2.5 more months to go at my job. Thank god for the well-written, engaging blogs of total strangers with interesting thoughts and lives.
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