check this shit out!
its an the 'i really really want to put off doing this stupid essay' sense...
i really have nothing exciting to report. Some sad news, some lame news, and my official position on the ever popular emerson debate.
Bailey, my ever faithful companion, kitty, and general layabout, passed away at the startlingly young age of 7 a couple weeks ago. It was peaceful, but that doesn't do a lot to make one feel better when their kitty is gone. I'll miss you, fatboy
Right now, i'm out at the new westminster zellers 4 days a week, helping them to clear out their merchandise, as their store is closing and the standard number of cashiers just wasn't cutting it. it's lame work, but its more hours than at my own store, so off i go, red sharpie in hand.
Ok, now, the moment everyone was waiting for...emerson. there's not much i could say that hasn't already been succinctly put by the other outraged masses. This man has taken the people's trust, given to him in the form of their votes and turned it right on its ass. Perhaps one could believe that he was in the wrong party as a Liberal, and needed to be a Conservative, but it really just smacks of opportunism of the worst sort. I can think of no reason why this riding should not go to an immediate byelection, with emerson representing himself for what he is (powermongering corporate asshole) and the Liberals and NDP being allowed to put forward actual candidates to run opposite of him. THe conservatives received a very small proportion of the votes in the major metropolitan areas, and this shameless act should in way force the residents of the area (which voted overwhelmingly AGAINST a conservative candidate) to be considered a conservative foothold into urban Canada.
While urban centres are generally pro-business (which appears to be some sort of conservative selling point despite a boom of economic activity under the liberals), they are also generally more progressive in social policies such as same-sex marriages, which is a major sticking point for the christian right. By taking a Liberal seat and crossing the floor to become a conservative, Emerson is falsely representing the people's interests in his ridiung and needs to be answerable to it.
ok, rant over. I'm going back to essay-writing now...